Broken hearts & helluv lies & sex &butterflies

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Hi, my name is Naomi Love and this might be a little weird but the story your reading is my real life no fixes or edits...Real-shit..!! 

My memory only goes back to age 5 but that's far enough. I want you to read and really understand my urge and thrive for sex ... my thirst and how it cannot be quenched ... how my addiction is one itself worse then an nymphomaniac.

I want you to understand why I feel alone an not alone as in boyfriend-less alone as in alone in this dark life sucking hell on earth we call a world also known as the bottomless pit.

 I want you to understand how lies on top of lies turns into more lies and more lies. I want you to understand how you can fall for a guy so tough every time you see him you get butterflies. I want you to know how when i put my all in something i get nothing but broken hearts.. read and enjoy my life ............something this serious you cant make up...................................................................................:)

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