29th Soladis, the Heavens

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For being the biggest pain in my ass, and the reason I actually finished this story :P

29th Soladis, the Heavens

 Her face looked almost comical. I took a moment to reflect on the past hour, at each of the emotions she portrayed: anger, happiness, lust, disbelief, hate, curiously. Cassandra... oh my love, you make me ride on the rollercoaster of your feelings.

I sighed, and gave her a small smile, taking her hand, “Well, come on then.” She turned her head as I slipped my laced my fingers with hers, squeezing it to give me some kind of assurance that everything was going to be fine. Her fingers hung limply in mine as I lead her towards the golden doors of the palace entrance. She was clearly still in total and complete shock; I was slightly worried that she would have a panic attack.

 I gazed at her worriedly. Her lips were slightly parted, eyes wide, staring at the scenery around her. It was times like this that I wished that I could see into her mind. Know what she was thinking. This must me euphoria for her, I thought, smiling at the thought.

My wings slowly retracted as we neared the doors. Cassandra finally looked at me, still in awe. I reached forward muttering a series of phrases in ancient Greek as I slowly moved my fingers through certain carvings in the door. Each lock clicked open, and soon I had the door wide open. I led her inside. The normally bustling palace seemed quiet. I knew for sure that my Father wasn’t angry. The sky clearly showed so. But, yet, I felt so protective over her. I pulled her to my side so that our arms were brushing one another.

“Are you alright?” I asked her quietly, not able to take the tense silence between us anymore.

Her head snapped to face mine, “I’m dreaming aren’t I? I’m going to wake up in the morning and find out that there was no Valentine, and it’ll still be the thirteenth of February,” she tried to reassure, her more than myself.

“This is all very much real, darling,” I explained kindly, trying to help her get around the idea of this all.

She scoffed, “If this was a dream, why doesn’t...this-” she pinched herself, “OW! Monkeyfucking, dick-sucking...” She continued to mutter profanities, clearly unhappy that her theory wasn’t correct.

“This can’t be real... I mean, you have wings! Well you had wings,” she continued in a crazed tone, “They were so beautiful too... Maybe I’m going insane, I mean, insane people are delusional, right? They think that something is happening when it’s really not happening, so, yes. Looks like I’m crazy. Damn, and so young too...”

I let out a bark of laughter, “No you’re completely lucid, don’t worry your pretty little head.”

Cassandra shot a glare at me and poked me in the arm, “Don’t use that condescending tone with me Mister! Where are we going anyway?”

Sighing I replied, “We’re going to go see my Father.”

“Zeus?” She asked innocently, “Shit, what do I call him? God Almighty, God of Gods, King, Sir, Zeus-man? Are you allowed to be informal like that here, because I’m pretty sure if I called the good ol’ Queen, Lady-Liz, it’ll be ‘off with my head’!”

“Sire, is fine,” I tried to reassure.

She’s a bizarre creature, she is. She’s so painstakingly human, so naive, and so innocent. But that’s what I love about her. It’s funny how it happens like that. I somehow wonder what would have happened if we were both human. If we would have met so soon, if we would have met the same way we met, if... Life’s full of if’s I suppose.

It felt like déjà vu as I stood in front of the throne room yet again. I felt like a little boy about to be punished for breaking the next door neighbour’s window. But now, I had the most beautiful lady in the world next to me, her hand entwined with mine, as I stood in front of those doors. Suddenly, I had nothing to fear, for I did nothing wrong. Fate isn’t a crime, it just, destiny.

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