The Plan

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Aubrey’s POV

“Where have you been?” I asked Brady as he came and sat next to me, a flushed look on his face.

“Oh, um we had to take care of something.” He wrapped an arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. It was nice to finally have him around, especially when he was finally mine. He kissed my forehead, making me smile. I put a hand on his leg and felt him tense up.

“Aubs, what are you doing?”

“Come with me,” I whispered in his ear after making a quick decision.

I lead him to the bathroom, a mischievous grin on my face. I know this really isn’t the time or the place, but I haven’t seen him in so long. I need him. When we get in, I lock the door behind us and bite my lip. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body. He’s warm and smells delicious. He pushes me against the wall, crashing his lips into mine and running his hands up and down my body. I open my lips enough to let his tongue in, and I bite his lip, enticing a moan. I move down and start kissing his neck, leaving little love bites under his shirt collar.

Brady’s POV

“Babe,” I say softly, feeling my breathing getting heavier.


“And this is Brady, it’s his house.”

“I’m Aubrey, or Aubs, and this is my best friend Emily.” Emily gave the beautiful girl a small smile, and it must have been some kind of code because she was suddenly next to me, asking me all sorts of questions. She had this cute country accent, and these beautiful eyes. We went out to the family room, but we couldn’t hear each other talking, so I took her down to the basement. She kicked off her boots and plopped down on the couch, sliding out of her flannel shirt as she did so. She had a white tank top, her jeans, and my heart. I sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her lower back, pulling her towards me.

“Well you don’t take too long, now do you boy?” she said with the cutest laugh I’d ever heard.

“Not when the girl is as pretty as you are,” I said, smiling back at her. She turned away shyly, and I pulled her a little closer. “Darling, you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever met. I promise.” As soon as I said that, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I knew who it had to be…Jordan. She was cool and gorgeous, but my mind was somewhere else right now.

“Aren’t you going to get that?” she asked. I pulled my phone out and turned it off, tossing it on the coffee table.

“You’ve got all my attention, Aubrey.” She smiled as I leaned in to kiss her, her hand touching my arm and giving me shivers. Before I knew what was happening, I was on top of her and breathless. She was gasping under me, and I kissed her neck before dropping as I reached my high. I flipped over so she was on top, and she smiled down at me.

“That was great, Brady.”

“You were fantastic sweetheart.” She leaned in and kissed me, trailing kisses to my jawline as I traced little patterns on her back.


I snapped out of my memory to see that beautiful girl in my arms. We’ve been through so much lately, and I don’t want to think about that anymore. I put my head against hers.

“Aubrey Nicole, I love you so much. Do you know that?”

“I do now, Brady Adam. I believe it now.”

Dalton’s POV

*2 months later*

“Yeah babe, we come home tomorrow night. I’ve missed you so much. The fans have given me so much stuff with your name on it, it’s adorable.” I smiled at her on my phone as she started to blush.

“This bandom is the best, dude. But I can’t wait to see you either. And you can finally get your hair cut when you’re home, too.”

I roll my eyes at her and she sticks her tongue out at me and we laugh. It was really amazing everyone’s support for her after everything. They were all looking forward to meeting her, and were crushed when I had to tell them why she wasn’t on tour with us. In the months we’ve been gone, she started taking online classes, started learning guitar and drums, finished writing a book, and she’d been doing it all.

“Dalton, go to sleep,” Timmy’s voice comes from the floor.

“You probably should, Dalton. One more show, then you get to come home and rest.”

“Just the show at the Rave, then I come home to you.” I say with a smirk.

“Go to sleeeep,” she giggles.

“Goodnight, I love you.”

“I love you too, handsome.”

Emily’s POV

I’m excited for tomorrow. Dalton doesn’t know it, but I’m coming to the show. It’s our sixth month anniversary, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I already have everything laid out: my American flag shirt, black skinny jeans, my red beanie and white converse. Brady already knows to get him to wear the same thing, the beanie being optional. Then, in between sets, I’m going to get on stage and sing for Dalton, with Clayton playing for me. Everyone who knows thinks it’s the cutest idea, but I’m nervous. I’ve never sang in front of people before. I just really hope he likes the idea, and the surprise, and I just can’t wait to see him again.

*AUTHOR REALLY NEEDS OPINIONS!!!! What song do you guys think I should use for the next part?  I may or may not upload a cover of me singing it if I can find a good karaoke version. So please, leave me song ideas and feedback. Is there anything you’d like to see, storyline ideas? I’m open to criticisms and opinions!!! J Much love, Emily <3

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