chapter 6!

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What bonnie and Damon said next was very unexpected...

"We will help you, if you help us find stefan he's been missing for over 3 months now" Damon said.

I'm assuming Klaus agreed because he gave Damon a look. This breaks my heart to see Damon and Bonnie but at least I get to see them and they don't think of me as some crazy chick. After everyone disappeared it was just Damon and I (by the way this is very awkward.)

"So your klaus's girl?" I didn't know what to say when he asked that so all I said was mhm.. I don't wanna do this anymore I got to get him to remember me. But how? There's only one way, I have to get in contact with cleo...

I listened to see where everyone was and nobody was able to hear me so I called the one person I know that could help me ... Katherine

I dialed her number and to my surprise she pick up very quickly.

Our phone call:

Katherine: Poor innocent Elena what can I do for you?

Me: I need to see and talk to Cleo I need her help. I'll do anything.

Katherine; I'll see what I can do but no promises. Oh and do me a favor tell my least favorite Salvatore I said hello.

And that was it, she hung up. I decides since I had to wait to get in contact with Cleo I would go for a walk. I was just about to walk out the door when Damon stopped me and asked me where I was going.

I stated that I was bored and just wanted to go for a walk. "Well I have to go with, I have to protect you." He said.

Now I have to be protected by my boyfriend that doesn't remember me great. We were walking in the words when he started talking.

" Elena gilbert the one I use to love." Wait what did you just say? You remember me ? That's when I realized your not Damon your Cleo.

Hello Elena, how are you doing today?

Are you kidding me? Your took everyone from me and your asking how I am? Are you that crazy?

"Look katherine told me you needed to speak to me so here I am if your going to whine about it I'll leave with no problem at all. I have something better to do anyway hmm yanno like running your stupid pathetic life!" Cleo said.

Look cleo give them back the memories of me. I need my friends and the love of my life back.

"That's not what katherine said when you were are snuggled up to klaus. But however I'll make you a deal, you can choose. Either a) I can give Damon his memories of you or B) I can tell you where your other lover is you know Stefan. Your choice Elena make a wise decision."

This really can't be happening your going to make me choose. You already know my answer where is Stefan?

"Wise decision Elena, its about time you put someone before yourself. He's in California, good news is he has his memories of you. But be careful Elena only you and Klaus can go no one else. I'll have katherine text you the details. See you around Elena this won't be the last you hear from me"

With that cleo was gone. And I was running to the Salvatore mansion. I quickly ran to find Klaus luckly he was alone.

Klaus; I know where stefen is but only me and you can go. I contacted cleo.

" love, I know I heard everything let's go." Klaus said

He explained to the others that we would be back and that we had some business to take care of. We got into the car and headed to cailfornia. Its going to be a long drive.

"You gave up on having Damon remember you for his brother. I respect that Elena and I will do everything I can to help you I promise you that love" klaus said

Klaus, why are you helping me. We hated each other and now your so kind what happened to you? He just turned the music up and ignored me.. I feel like he's hiding something and I intend to find out what it is. Right now though I'll worry about stefan.

We were about 2 hours away from cailfornia apparently he was in the darkest part of the woods there. I just pray he's okay.. After we get stefan, we will go back to mystic falls and find a way to defeat cleo.

Klaus POV;

I'm driving to California to save Stefan I'm not doing this for me its all for this girl. I don't know what I feel but I think its love. I know she doesn't feel the same but maybe one day she will. I will do anything for this girl and I will prove to her I could be trustworthy.

Elena ended up passing out, so I took this opportunity to drive to a hotel and get some sleep. I pull into the hotel and wake elena up I explain I'm tired and she agreed. I ran inside to get a room when I saw a tall man, with brown hair and a suit. I ask for a room and there's only one with one bed. I say screw it and get it anyways.

Elena walked into the room first and she must have said screw it also because she went to take a shower. When she came out I told her I'd lay on the floor but she quickly said no that we could share the bed. I wanted to say no but I didn't want to fight with her. All I wanna do is cuddle this girl and kiss her...

I laid down beside her, and she asked if she can cuddle because she felt safe and I obviously said yes. I started wondering why she feels safe with me but whatever.

"Klaus, can I ask you something?" Elena wondered.

Of course love what is it?

"Why did you offer to help me? Its like your a totally different person and I never though you would do something like this for me." Elena asked

Well love, I'm a changed man. My daughter Hope changed me if it wasn't for her I might not be who I am today. I love.. Y her.

I almost told her how I felt but that would of been a big mistake. I'll eventually tell her but right now its not a good time. Then I let the darkness consume me..

Will they find stefan? Will kalus tell elena how he really feels? Find out soon!😍😍

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