My Characters

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Callie Smithson
Cal, or Callie-Cat if you'd like to pester her and get her irritated.
Callie is seventeen, eighteen on the 30th of January
Human, of course


PersonalityA rebellious one, that's for sure

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A rebellious one, that's for sure. She is known for going past faction boundaries, exploring the forest after city curfew, and all around being a 'bad influence' on other students at school. Snarkiness and sarcasm are overall her two favorite traits. You'll often hear her smart aleck remarks, and will probably want to kill her for them. Trust me, it's a common want where she comes from. She gains great satisfaction when she can successfully annoy or anger her targets.

She has a sassy attitude and obeys near to no one, definitely not her parents. Not quite alluring, but is flirtatious. She enjoys a wicked prank on the bots- other Normies, as well- now and then. Trouble is attracted to Callie, and it's obvious why. Callie would do anything for some good fun. Now, the teenage girl is known for being fairly adventurous. Curiosity haunts her like an angered poltergeist. She always wants to know 'when', 'why', and 'where' something has happened.

She is not a gossip, actually lets people stick to their own business. However, as mentioned, her curious tendencies seem to cause her to be more nosy then she'd like. Even if she won't bug the person about it, she'll definitely try to get some information on her own, whether it be using a hologram scanner app or just doing it the old fashioned way- asking other people.
A good story. She especially likes reading about how life was before advanced technology. Learning isn't just a thing you have to do for this particular girl, it's a hobby in Callie's eyes. Adventures! Who doesn't enjoy a wonderful and action packed adventure. Callie particularly enjoys the rush of adrenaline. Air-surfing, as she's excellent at controlling and manipulating a hoverboard. The night, it's when all the fun happens and she can be her stealthy, troublemaking self.
The good normies. They ruin the daring vibes, and they tattle! Seriously, it's just rude. Now, there aren't many things she dislikes, but among the list there is school. The only class she even likes is History. High-Tech is boring, Science doesn't really strike her as interesting either, and Art? She has better things to do. The next thing I can think of is rain. It ruins the possibility of a beautiful day. Then she can't go air-surfing, or boarding as she likes to call it.

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