Chapter 3

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Four Years Later

Carlton's eyes welled up with tears as he watched his daughter up at the podium from his seat in the crowd. He was so damn proud of his little girl. Her first project for the year was to do an assignment on one of her parents' jobs. She was to research it, write an essay, and then prepare either a speech or a powerpoint. Instead of choosing Carlton to research...she chose her mom. She also chose to make a speech since that's what Cassie was best at.

"So, in conclusion, my mom did not only work for the President of the United States from the age of nineteen, to twenty-eight, but she worked with the Prime Minister of England for a while. According to her best friend Michelle, she would call the Prime Minister a "miserable, no-good, son of a..." well, gun.

The audience laughed, including Carlton. "She said how she hated him, loathed him, wanted to smother him with a pillow in his sleep because she just couldn't stand him. But he must have done something right because they got married and now, that son of a gun is my dad. Hi, dad."

She waved to him and he waved back with a wide smile. She continued, "And that concludes my speech. Thank you." Everyone clapped, but Carlton and Johnny stood up and whistled, clapped "whooped", anything they could to show their support. 

Since Dani was the last speaker, they both got up to go meet her backstage. "I'll wait here," Johnny said, as Carlton made his way back. With a smile wide on his face, he looked for his nine year old. "Dan?" He called, as he made his way through kids and parents. 

When he finally spotted her, he noticed she looked sad. He got closer to her when he heard someone say, "Just because daddy is the Prime Minister, you think you're getting an A? Your speech sucked! Your mom isn't even alive!" 

Three girls then ran out, leaving Dani completely stunned. Carlton was in shock, as well. "Baby," he softly called, as he knelt down next to her. She turned to him with tears in her eyes, but quickly blinked them away. "Hey, dad," she said with a wobbly voice. 

He tsk'd at her attempt to hide her hurt from him. "Come here, Pumpkin," he softly cooed, as she practically fell into his arms and started crying. He lovingly shushed her and stroked her hair. "I can't believe how much you reminded me of your mother up there," he told her. 

She pulled back from the hug with her hands on his shoulders, as she asked, "Really?" He smiled and told her, "Really. For a moment, I thought I was watching her give one of her brilliant speeches." Dani laughed with tears in her eyes. 

Carlton wiped away her tears with his thumbs, then leaned up and kissed her cheek. "Who were those girls?" He asked as he glared at them and their parents across the room. Dani shook her head and told him, "Doesn't matter." He looked back to her and said, "It matters if they're bullying my daughter."

She shook her head and said, "Really, dad, it's fine. All I know is their parents voted for Trump." Carlton laughed and told her, "God, I wish your mother was here to rip them a new one just for that. I'd probably have to hold her back."

Dani laughed, but then saw the sadness in his eyes. That always happened when he talked about her. "Can we go see her today?" She asked. "Since we didn't have time this morning, I mean." He smiled up at her and said, "Of course. For now, I say we go get you some ice cream before dinner. How's that?"

She nodded and walked with him as they made there way out the door. She greeted her uncle Johnny, then they all went to the ice cream parlor down the street. Unfortunately, those girls decided to be there, too. 

"Ignore them," Carlton said in her ear, as they giggled at her. "If you don't, I'm going to go over there." That got her to smile a bit. Johnny piped up and told her, "Those girls ain't got nothin' on you. You've got your mom's blood, they're nothing." 

Like Father, Like Daughter : The Story of the Prime Minister and His DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now