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The town square was abuzz with activity.  Grocers and street merchants had set up their stands, selling everything from fruit to handcrafted jewelry.  Old hens gossiped with one another as they strolled along the sidewalks.  Young woman were giggling as they skipped down the streets together.  People were going in and out, out and in, greeting every person they ran into with a friendly smile.

Lara led her girls through the crowds, her eyes fixed on a list of tasks and errands needed to be carried out.  "We need to stop by the tailor's to pick up Jor's new pants.  Then its off to the butchers to pick up a nice rack of lamb for supper tonight.  After that, we have to..."

As usual, happy-go-lucky Katie wasn't really paying attention.  She was in her own little world.  She got sidetracked seeing a woman wearing a beautiful pink dress from the seamstress's shop.  Curious and in awe, she turned right around and followed the woman in the opposite direction.

Connie gasped seeing her sister disappear into the crowd of people.  "Katie!  Come back!"  Lara and Ana stopped and looked over their shoulders behind them as Connie separated from the group to run after their lost wanderer.  She squeezed through the other villagers, carrying baskets and bundles, her eyes frantically searching for her sister's bouncing blond curls.

Finally, she caught sight of Katie, happily engaged in a conversation with the woman, who didn't seem to mind Katie at all.  "Kata!"  She turned around see Connie running up to her, relieved yet out of breath.  She placed a firm hand on Katie's shoulder and scolded, "There you are!  You shouldn't wander off from the group like that!  You scared me half to death!"

She looked up at the woman.  "I'm so sorry if she bothered you, mam."  "Oh, not at all!", the woman said merrily.  "She's quite a delight to be around!  So sweet, so thoughtful, so polite!  She'll make a fine little wife someday!"  It was true.  With her sweet temper, bubbly airs, and ladylike manners, it was hard for anyone not to like Katie.  She was the ideal Kryptonian bride, unlike her older sister.

Suddenly, lovely music filled the air.  The sound of tinkling chimes and melodious harps filled the air.  The woman clapped her hands, obviously delighted.  "Oh!  Its about to start!"  At once, Connie and Katie were both swept away with the crowds that were gathering around a certain house.

And what a house it was.  The walls were as white as the first snow of winter, and stood at a foot taller than most houses.  The roof was a vibrant color of regency purple, catching any eye, and the doors were silk screens framed with black ebony, so that you could see silhouettes of anyone inside.

"Here they come!"  They looked towards the crowd, which was parting to reveal a line of beautifully dressed young ladies.  Each looked like a porcelain doll—their hair pinned up elegantly, their bodies attired in stunning gowns of different colors, their faces made up perfectly.  They walked in a single file line, holding colorful parasols, walking with style and grace.

Lara and Sola found them in the crowd, Katie looking on in glassy-eyed wonder, while Connie was just confused.  "What are they doing?", she asked.  "The most crucial stepping stone for a young lady.", Lara explained with a smile.  "They're lining up to see Yenta."  "Who's Yenta?"  "Why, the village matchmaker, of course!", Sola exclaimed.  "She's practically the most important person in the village!"

Connie furrowed her brow.  She had never heard the term "matchmaker" before.  "Why?  What does she do that's so important?"  "She arranges marriages between the villagers!", Sola said.  "She pairs up all the eligible young people together, so that they can reproduce and the population will grow!"  Connie's eyebrows raised up in surprise.  "You have arranged marriages?"  Now that term she had heard before.

Lara nodded with a smile.  "Yes!  Those girls have finally come of age!  They're going to see Yenta to be tested on their wifely skills.  If they pass the test, Yenta will arrange for them to marry a nice man."  "Its the most important day of a young girl's life!", Sola cried.  Lara smiled at her granddaughters.  "Someday, you girls will visit Yenta, too.

Katie didn't seem to care about the idea of an arranged marriage.  She was too excited by the beauty of the young girls.  "Oh, they're so pretty!", she exclaimed.  "Will I get to dress up like that, too?"  "Of course!", Sola told her.  "Each girl is tested on her beauty, her grace, and her ladylike skills.  The more beautiful and obedient she is, the better her match will be."

Connie rolled her eyes.  "Sounds silly to me."  "Call it whatever you want.", Sola said, shrugging her shoulders.  "But silly or not, those girls are making their families proud."  Connie blinked twice, all emotion leaving her face.  "They are?"  Lara nodded.  "Of course!  The best way for any girl to make her family happy is for them to pass the matchmaker's test and marry a good man who will provide for her and her family."

The gears in Connie's head started turning as she watched the girls open their parasols and strut in front of the matchmaker's house like a bunch of proudly-dressed peacocks.  A few moments ago, she had thought of these girls as foolish and frivolous.  But frivolous as they were, they were making their families proud of them by doing so.  She wanted to make her family proud of her.

She looked at her grandmother.  "How old do you have to be to take the test?"  "Oh, you must be at least fifteen."  Connie thought.  I'm sixteen chronologically, and internally twenty-two.  I'm sure I qualify.  Lara looked at her with a quirked eyebrow.  Connie looked to make sure Katie and Sola were distracted by the other girls, and pulled the older woman aside so that they were out of their ear range.

"Mama, I want to take the matchmaker's test."  Lara gasped softly as her aged yet nimble and feminine fingers flew to touch her lips.  "Do you really?  Papa and I talked about asking you to take it, but we didn't want to put any pressure on you.  Do you truly feel you're ready?"  Connie nodded, smiling.  "I'm ready.  I want to make you and Papa proud."

Lara hugged her granddaughter, ecstatic.  "Oh, glorious day!  The Goddess Zolara has smiled upon us!  There is so much to do before you visit Yenta!  We need to get you a gown, and give you lessons, and book an appointment, and—Jor!  Oh, we must tell your grandfather about this right away!"  She ran to Katie and Sola, pulling them out of the crowd and out of their little worlds.  "Girls!  Forget the errands!  We must go home at once!"

She strode away, expecting the girls to follow after her.  Katie slipped her wooden handled basket on her arm, looking at her grandmother funny.  "What's she so happy about?"  Connie only responded with a shrug and a knowing smile before leading her sister and their younger aunt towards home.

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