Chapter one: Jacks life

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Jack P. O. V.

Perfection is within the limits of great and excellent. With my life everything is excellent in my parents eyes but when it came down to me.. When it comes down to me I have no right to mess up everything has to be excellent. I've been hit and kicked for messing up on being poise, eating habits, learning, grades. I just want to HAVE fun and be human. I'm not even aloud to have my own friends because the kids that were my friends were "imperfect".

As I'm in the bath underwater waiting for a something, anything to happen when my name is yelled for. I sit up my back in agony from my beating they gave me last night.


My mother's hateful voice boomed through the halls so retched, sickening. I couldn't even get finished soaking so I get out of the tub. Letting the water drain, I organized my clothes, hearing her footsteps get closer to the door, then stepped softly out of the bathroom. I don't even meet her half way before getting slapped. I show little pain.

"Do. You. Know. WHAT TIME IT IS?"

Her retched voice burns my ears from the close proximity of her screeching. I shake my head physically unable to speak. Their chokehold on performing as perfect as I can be makes me wish for that freedom to speak. Freedom to play, freedom to roam, freedom to live. That's all I can wish for.. before she screams for my dad and my world mutes itself.

I closed out everything again until I was in the car on my way to school. We had arrived at the front when the car had stopped. I was out of it in a flash ignoring everyone around me. Soon I was in the safe heaven also known as school but to some kids it's called hell. I'm getting stared at by everyone as I speed walk to my locker hastily opening it. I tear up before taking shallow breaths making sure my outfit is clean and perfect.

They put it on my record on the schools computer this is a private school after all. I close my locker after grabbing things I need for first period. Walking mindlessly I bump past a rugged student. His collar unbuttoned, his tie loose, his shoes aren't even in dress code. Shuffling away scared to get caught for accidentally touching him in general.

I get to class on time but in the process get stared at by everyone when I go to my seat. Sitting down I heard a noise to my left and soon shoes are slammed on my desk. Peter Cotontail, a snarky wannabe who tries to compete with nobody's like me to "prove a point". It's borderline bullying and if I'm being honest doesn't even need to bully people.

He's popular, strong, is ranked second place for smartest student. I guess power hungry is a good way to describe him. His verbal micro aggressions aren't bad; he's not mom and dad. I'm through with it today so I do something I have never even considered and look at him.

He's laughing away as he speaks to his friends before the bell rings. He looks back over and though surprised gives a smirk. His accent, his personality, everything about him screams arrogance.

"Sorry mate, doc said elevate it. You don't mind, yeah?" He smirked as he spoke.

I heard his friends chuckle amongst themselves. I know better than to do anything about him; I simply just look back to the front board. Like watching a film scene again. A pale, almost grey hand pulled the leg harshly upward making a huge clatter to my left.

"Feet off the desk Rabbit feet," a British accent had come from my right.

When I looked over I had seen a pair of wickedly dilated eyes with just a tiny shiner of gold and amber. A calm frown upon his face. His skin almost as pale as snow but his hands seemed dusted with coal. Who is he?

perfect isn't always good (pitch black x Jack frost )Where stories live. Discover now