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Yukio dodged the demons attacks, his colleagues running forward, firing bullets at the flying pests. They had been at this for almost nine hours already, it was passed midnight and they were only halfway through eradicating the demons. He sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Crouching by a nearby obstacle, he allowed himself a moment to think of his brother and Bon, whether or not they were okay and if Rin had caved and hurt himself again. It would be awhile before he would get home to find out.


Bon woke up in pain, his neck and lower back cracking as he sat up in bed. Apparently the old dorm the Okumura's were staying in also had old mattresses, go figure. How they slept at all amazed him. He didn't need to look outside to know it was very early in the morning, the sun still a few hours from rising. He yawned, checking the alarm clock on Yukio's nightstand. 3:47. Where was Yukio anyway? Surely he would have woken Bon to relieve him of his babysitting job. He must still be on his mission, which was a daunting thought seeing as how it had been almost ten hours since he left.

Stretching, he felt a warm body by his feet. Checking under his blanket, he discovered a curled up Kuro on his bed, sound asleep. He chuckled, curious as to why the feline wasn't sleeping with his partner. Rising from bed, he walked over to the desk, slowly as to not stub his toe. Feeling around on the surface, he finally found the lamp and switched it on, squinting as soft yellow light illuminated the room, throwing shadows in every direction. He hummed, his voice sleepy, and turned to face the teen he was ordered to watch.

A wrinkle formed between his brows when he noticed how the small boy wasn't necessarily sleeping peacefully. He stepped up to the bed and slowly pulled the blanket off his unconscious friend, folding it at the foot of the mattress. He sighed, he really pitied him.

Rin was curled up, facing the wall, so his face was in the shadows. However, Bon could imagine it was twitching just like the rest of his body. Before going to sleep, Bon had enforced the rule of no shirts to bed, something Yukio had told him to do. So the boy's back was bare, goosebumps crawling along his skin. If Bon hadn't of known any better, he would have thought the boy was having a minor seizure considering how he seemed to convulse sporadically. Small, almost inaudible grunts and pants passing through his lips.

Bon returned to his bed, running a hand through his hair. No wonder Okumura was always so tired during the day, he probably hadn't had a good nights rest in forever. Leaning against the wall, he weighed whether or not he should wake him, eventually deciding not to let the boy lose any more sleep than need be, even if the quality of sleep was pretty shitty. Bon cracked his knuckles, watching the trembling form before him, Rin's tail fell from the mattress, twitching and swaying just as sporadically as the rest of him.

Bon wondered if Yukio knew, quickly realizing that, no, he didn't. He would have done something about it by now. This was just another thing Rin had kept secret, preferring to suffer in silence rather than get the help of others.

Bon yawned and glanced at the alarm clock again. 4:23. Christ! Where the hell is Okumura?? He probably should have tried to get some sleep, but he became anxious, thoughts of the twins filling his mind and stressing him out. He was broken out of his brooding when Rin snapped up in bed, gasping and gripping his chest. Suguro checked the clock, 4:57. He quietly got out of bed, treading warily across the room. The other boy quickly noticed his movements, fearful eyes centering on him. Bon held his hands out as if to say he wouldn't hurt him, apologizing quietly for startling him.

Rin's breathing didn't even out, in fact, it seemed to get worse. His eyes darted around the room, becoming increasingly anxious. His tail fidgeting behind him, his gaze met the other boys again. "W-Where's Yukio?" He gasped, voice hoarse from sleep. Bon explained that he didn't know at the moment where his brother was and the twin's eyes grew misty. Bon quickly waved his hands, trying to calm the boy's quickening breathes.

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