Chapter Thirty-Eight: Hermione's POV

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Hermione's POV:

Alice and I collapsed together, tangled, spent, and exchanged looks of love, satisfaction and contentment. Post life-threatening situation sex is always fantastic, and this one more then met the bar. After a few seconds of getting my brain back in comprehendible order, I cleared my throat, about to speak, when Alice beat me to it.

"Still alive?" she asked.

"Mostly," I managed to answer, my voice embarrassingly breathy. "Still undead?"

"Very much so." She laughed, before she sighed, curling up next to me. I wrapped an arm around her, snuggling close, and resting my head in the crook of her neck.

"I love you." I told her, and she let out a purring sound.

"I love you too." There's silence for a few moments as we rest together, enjoying the peace. Alice's bed is soft and cozy, and I'm honestly at the point of dozing off, when she speaks up. "I kind of can't believe it's over."

"Mm, know what you mean," I mumbled, sleepily. "After so much worry and fear, suddenly it's gone, and it leaves this hole behind that you don't know how to fill."

"What about with lots of sex?" Alice suggested, "and wedding planning!" she added, her face brightening.

"Sounds good. Now be quiet so I can sleep." I yawn. Alice's cool breath tickles my ear, as she showers light kisses along my jaw line.

"Sleep tight, gorgeous."


The sound of Alice's indignant shriek of 'he did what?' woke me up, and I rubbed my eyes, propping myself up onto one elbow and gazing around the room blearily.

I'm alone on the bed now, wrapped up in the silk sheets. Edward and Alice are standing in the corner of the room, each with blazing eyes and upset expressions on their faces. "Wazhappenin?" I asked.

"You tell her." Edward tells Alice, "Bella's about to come out of the bathroom."

A bit more awake, I look out after Edward, who storms out of the room, with a raised eyebrow.

"What's got his panties in a twist?"

"Jacob conned Bella into kissing him," Alice looked upset. I'm more then upset.

"What?" I shrieked, my voice rising several octaves.

"He talked about how he should kill himself so he wouldn't be in her way, making her unhappy. She panicked and kissed him, so he wouldn't." Alice explained, with a growl.

"I swear to Merlin I am going to kill that son-of-a-bitch!" I hiss, leaping to my feet, and starting to pace across the room. Alice watched me, her expression going from mostly upset to slightly amused as I start ranting. "What kind of arsehole cons the girl he loves into kissing him? And what sadist says he's going to kill himself because he's was so fucking heartbroken over her rejecting him?! You know Bella- she's going to be beating herself up over this big time!"

Alice flitted over to me and places a hand on my arm. "There's no permanent damage, sweetie. Edward made sure she knew it wasn't her fault, that he wasn't upset at her."

"Why hasn't Edward gone over and torn a new one in Jacob's sorry hide?" I demanded. Alice gives me a slightly amused look.

"He wants to, but he can't. For one, Bella would be upset, and second, him and the mut-Jacob had a-"

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