Chapter Seventeen: The Choices Made

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(Music woah)
Stiles sat in Scotts guest bedroom not moving. Everyone was out looking for Dean but him and Allison as they couldn't afford to be caught. So Sam demon proofed the house and wallah. But all he wanted to do was run and find Dean. But he knew that it would be impossible. There wasn't a choice Stiles knew what he had to do.

There was a knock on the door and Allison stood in the door frame.
"How you holding up?" Allison asked walking in and closing the door.
Instead of answering Stiles shrugged and decided to change the topic.
"It's been five months since that little moment," Stiles said catching Allison off guard, " We didn't even talk about it."

"What was there to talk about?" Allison asked

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"What was there to talk about?" Allison asked.
Stiles shrugged and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
"That without you my life would be a complete train wreck right now Allison. You're the only reason that I'm not summoning Crowley and trading my life for Deans."

It was quiet for a moment.
"Why are you telling me this?" Allison asked her voice shaking.
"Because if I don't say it now, I might not get the chance to later," he said rising from the bed and walking over to her.

"Stiles," She breathed out looking up at him," You don't have to say anything.. I know."
Stiles shook his head as Allison's hand slipped into his.
"I have to say it. Ok, these past five months I've grown closer to you then I ever thought possible.... Allison I can't deal with the secret glances, the urge to constantly look at you, the feeling I get when I stare into your eyes. I can't deal with it anymore. I fell in love with you Allison and I need to know..."

"If I feel the same?" She asked. Stiles nodded timidly.
Life seemed to go in slow motion as there lips met, until speeding up rapidly as they started to passionately make out. They separated for breath and Soon enough Stiles shirt was across the floor along with Allison's.

They fell onto the bed Allison's hands fumbling with his belt.

Stiles hands traveled around Allison's body in every place they should and shouldn't be

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Stiles hands traveled around Allison's body in every place they should and shouldn't be. Part of him felt guilty about passionately making out with Scotts ex girlfriend. But Scott did kiss Lydia, and well truly deep down he didn't feel guilty. All he cared about was Allison. She was the only thing on his mind.

Each kiss seemed to draw away from the fact that Dean was captured, or that he seemed to be destined to become this dark angel.
They separated for air still giving each other quick breathless pecks as they stared into each others eyes. Lust and passion filling them.

"Allison.. are you sure?" Stiles asked there lips millimeters apart.
"I haven't been more sure of anything in my life," she informed him as she ripped Stiles belt off and pulled down his jeans.

Dean glared at the king of hell struggling to get free of his bonds.
"Dean, Dean, Dean. You should of known that you couldn't beat me. I get what I want," Crowley said smugly staring at the oldest Winchester.
"He won't come," Dean spat at the demon, "Sammy won't let him."

"Are you so sure? Don't you Winchesters do anything to save one of your own?" Crowley asked smugly.
Dean thrashed out against the chains once again his glare deepening.

"Do you know what I'm going to do to your son?" He asked sitting down on his thrown,"Surely you know that he just can't become the dark angel with out a few certain task first."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean growled.

"Let me explain to you, First I'll put some demon blood in his system, let him consume a demon along with thirty souls, then he has to kill an angel, the death blast from the angel, the whole exploding from the host mixes the ingredients inside him rather well, the final step is for him to kill everyone he loves. Ironic isn't it? Stiles has grown into quite a hero hasn't he? Well you know what's more beautiful then a rise of a hero?" Crowley asked.

When there was no response from the Hunter Crowley smiled, "When the hero becomes the thing he fears the most. Becomes the very thing he fought against. Huh, kinda a Winchester tradition isn't it. A curse of the Winchesters.... no matter how many people you save, no matter how many monsters you kill to become heroes. You'll always fall! It's a Heroes Curse isn't it."

"I'm going to kill you!" Dean screamed.

Crowley's smile faded into a snarl.
"I'm going to make you watch Dean, he's going to kill everyone, but he's going to save you for last. And it won't be quick, it'll be slow and painful. Just like your whole life."

Sam knocked on the door of the apartment labeled Argent. The door opened revealing a middle aged man gray poking through his former blonde hair and beard.
In in instance his gun was out pointing it at the  younger Winchester.
"Get out of this town," he growled.

Sam put his arms up in surrender.
"I'm coming here for two reasons ok, and the only reason I'm here is because you're the only one who knows Beacon Hills. And I need your help."

"I said get out," Argent replied one more time his finger clicking off the safety.
Sam didn't budge eyeing the gun carefully.
"Guess you don't want to know that Allison is alive?" Sam asked raising an eyebrow. The mans arm wavered slightly.

"My daughter died," he said his voice shaky, "Don't you lie to my face like that!"
"It's true! Look we found her five months ago, she's been living with us ever since," Sam explained.

"And you expect me to believe that?" Chris asked angrily.
The elevator door opened behind Sam and Castiel stepped out.
"No, I think you'll trust him," Sam said watching as Castiel marched forward and placed two fingers on the mans forehead, visions of Allison being alive caused tears to fall down his face.

He lowered his gun staring at the hunter.
"What do you want?"
"My name is Sam Winchester, my brother Dean was captured by a demon. He's being held somewhere in this town and we need to figure  out where."
"You take me to my daughter and I'll help you," Chris informed Sam after a moments hesitation. Sam nodded and shook the hunters hand.

Stiles laid awake with Allison strapped around him a smile on her sleeping face.
He gently brushed the hair out of her face smiling at her.
He analyzed every detail before slowly unraveling himself from her making sure not to make a noise. He found his clothes on the ground and quickly picked them up and slid them on.

Writing a quick note to her he left silently heading towards the front door.

Before he could open it a figure stepped out red eyes blazing.
"You aren't running off this time Stiles. I told Sam I wouldn't let you leave," Scott informed him.
"I know," Stiles mumbled, " And I wish I could say I'm sorry for this but I'm not."
"Sorry for what?" Scott asked but by the time he had finished an electric rod was in his chest causing him to fall to the ground in pain.
"Ok maybe I'm a little sorry," Stiles admitted before bending down and grabbing Scotts motorcycle keys from his pockets and running off towards his bike. Tossing the helmet to the side he quickly sped off towards the woods.

He knew there was only one place he could go, and it had been a long time  since he had been there.

One more chapter after this guys :) How are you guys feeling at this point? Nervous? Sad? Happy? A little bit of everything? Well it's ok to be.

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