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As I waited in a chair for my turn I sank down and put my hat covering my face, I jolted awake when Jenner said 'the one with the bandages' who I knew was me.

I walked over to the chair and sat do before flopping my left arm down on the arm rest.

"You seem used to this." Jenner said as he tied the elastic band around mt forearm.

"When I was 10 I had a rare form of infectious mononucleosis, my spleen was swollen and I was out of school for 6 months. I always had to have tests done, my blood drawn and knew just about every doctor and nurse in the hospital. Everytime my throat would hurt my mom would think the mono was back. (A/n: true story, I wasn't aloud to jump in a jumphouse)" I explained as he took a blood sample, he nodded.

"I heard about that, a few of the doctors here were scared that it was a new strand of mononucleosis." He told me as he wrapped a cotton ball on my arm.

"I didn't know it was abnormal untell I researched it at age 13." I said before walking away, I saw Daryl and walked up behind him. I rested my forehead on his back with my hat backwards.

"I'm tired." I whined and felt him chuckle.

"Well we have ta eat before ya go ta sleep." He said causing me to stand up straight.

"Fine." I groaned and he chuckled.

We were eating and joking when Dale spoke up.

"You know, in France it's customary to let children have a little wine with their dinner." I smirked.

"Well when Carl's in France then he can have some." Everyone looked at me and Daryl.

"Uh uh, nope, not gonna happen." Daryl said causing me to smirk.

"Yeah, whiskey's better anyway." I said before taking a sip of my water, I heard Daryl choke on his wine.

"Fine Ms. Bigshot." Daryl said before passing me a glass of wine which I chugged down causing the table to gawk at me.

"Now I want to see how red your face will get, you too Glenn." Daryl said, passing me another glass of wine which I chugged down.

This process repeated untell Shane spoke up. I don't really remember what he said but I remember it bummed everyone out.

"Welcome aboard the S.S. Party Pooper, Captain Killjoy." I said being drunk.

Every was going to find their rooms but I just kinda sat there untell I was thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Daryl! Put me down!" I said while hitting his back.

"Nope, yer sharing a room with me so I can keep an eye on ya." He answered, I huffed.

"You say that alot." I grumbled, he set me down on a bed in a room that I now saw had two beds, a table, a bathroom, our backpacks and two crossbows.

"I'm gonna take a shower then ya are, got it?" Daryl said like I was a child.

"But I don't want to." I whined but he ignored me and went into the bathroom, I fell back onto my bed and looked at the ceiling.

I pulled out the picture of Lexi and stared at it and one thought passed through my mind along with memories of her.

'I will find you, Alexis Renee Smith.'

I don't even know how long at sat there looking at the picture, reminiscing about the good memories I had about her.

"Who's tha'?" A voice broke me from my thoughts and made me jump, I looked up and saw Daryl.

"My little sister, I lost her awhile back and haven't found her since." I said sadly, I could feel the alcohol wearing off.

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