week one: monday

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i hate valentine's day. it's stupid and sappy and makes single people bitter. i'm seventeen years old and i've never had a boyfriend. it's not like i'm ugly or mean, i just choose to sit at home while my friends are out having the time of their lives, so i never have the chance to meet new people. i assume that everyone has fears about never getting married or falling in love, but i think constantly about how i'm going to be alone forever. i try to go on dates with random boys that i meet in the grocery store, but they always end up being idiots or rude or too clingy. it seems like i'm picky, but if i'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone, i want them to be kind and funny and caring. so it seems like i will be alone together.

i finish writing the entry into my computer and read through it again before posting. "wow this is really sad" i say out loud, and then post it. i shut my computer down and realize that it is no longer ten at night, but is now three in the morning. it's the next day and that means that it is the worst day of the entire year, valentine's day. another pink and red holiday filled with happy couples and sad singles, both completed with boxes of chocolate. "ugh" i groan. i lie down in my cozy bed and try to get comfy tired so i'm able to fall asleep before the sun comes up.

i wake up three hours later to my alarm shrieking at me. i yawn from the lack of sleep and crawl back under the covers after shutting the clock down. as soon as i begin to drift off to sleep i hear another tired voice echo down the hall. "nori, you better be up and getting ready or else you're going to be late" my mom says from her bed in her room. i yawn one more time and slink out of bed to take a shower.

after i'm clean, i hop out of the warm water and go to my room to get dressed. i wear ripped jeans and a sweet-smelling black sweater with vans. i throw on careless mascara and brown lipstick and spray random squirts on perfume all over myself. i now look at the alarm on my bedside table and see that it's almost seven. i rip my phone from the charger and run downstairs like a bolt of lightning. i grab my backpack, uncharged computer, and keys and run out the door, slamming it behind me. i slip down the icy driveway and slide into the side of my car. i rub my to-be-bruised knee and pick myself up with a hold on the handle of the car door. i unlock it gingerly and slide my icy-clothed self into the vehicle. i shiver when i touch the cool wheel and start the car.

i pull into the school parking lot after eight minutes of cold, un-safe driving and throw on my backpack and run to the main entrance.

locked. oh god i'm going to be stuck here until the end of the day or until someone leaves. i'm going to get in so much trouble if a teacher finds me.

i see a teacher walk by and i dodge her glance by throwing myself into a nearby bush. when i'm sure that she's gone, i walk to the side of the school and find myself in front of the door to the library. i peek in the window and don't see anyone. i slowly push the door open and sigh in relief when i realize that there's no librarian in sight. i step in and quietly pull the door shut.

just as i think that i'm alone and that i'll be able to get to class without any trouble, i hear a "what are you doing?"

"ughh" i groan out loud and slowly turn around, expecting to see an angry teacher or principal, but instead i find a tall, brown-haired boy staring at me. i stay silent, waiting for him to ask another question, but he doesn't say anything and just stares at me. i take a step towards him and get a closer look at his face to try and recognize him. i look into his eyes and realize that i've never seen him around the school before this moment.

"what are you doing" he asks again and this time i answer.

"i was late for school and when i went to the front, the door was locked so i walked around to this door and it was unlocked and here i am." i state quickly and he thinks for a moment. "what are you doing?" i ask before he says anything, "shouldn't you be in class, not the library."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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