I spy

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BEEP BEEP BEEP!! was the noise I woke up to. I rolled over, and hit the snooze button. I rolled back over, and fell back asleep. What only felt like a few seconds I heard my alarm go off again. I hit the snooze button again.

I was finally about to be asleep, when the alarm went off again. I rolled over, and picked up the alarm, and threw it at the wall, it broke into a bunch of little pieces. I groaned, and sat up in bed. My door flung open, and my dads head popped in “ is everything ok sweetie?” my dad asked sounding tired.

“ Yes, everything is ok, I just don't want to get up.” he chuckled. Then there was complete silence, I looked over at my dad, who was looking at my alarm clock well my alarm clock pieces, that was by my closet door. “ another one, come on baby girl stop braking those thing there not cheap you know.” he said giving me a stern look.

Since he had just gotten up, his stern look looked more like he was just squinting his eyes at me. I chuckled. “ daddy I love you but go away.” I said standing up, and walking to my bedroom door. “ awe I love you too honey” he said kissing my cheek, and walking out.

I laughed, and closed the door. I walked over to my bathroom, stripped my close, and took a nice hot shower. As I was using honey I’m strong, herbal essences shampoo, I starting singing, Burn by Ellie Goulding, then I used the same conditioner, and rinsed it out, then grabbed a fluffy towel, and wrapped it around my body.

I walked out into my room, and went to my dresser, and got the usual stuff. Then I went into my closet, and decided to wear these white shorts, and this light blue shirt, and white converse. I went over to my bed, and put my underwear, and bra on, then I put on my shorts, I was about to put my shirt on, but I remember that I needed deodorant, so I walked into my bathroom, and got some.

I walked back out, and went over to my bed, as I was about to put my shirt on Jake my brothers friend walked in. “ hey Logan said-” he froze, and just stared at me, then I looked down, and realized I was only in my white lace bra.

I don't really care if he saw me in my bra, or if my brother did, because my brother is my brother, and Jake is like my brother so. I slipped my shirt on, and he shook his head “ sorry, ummmm, what was I saying?” he asked looking down at his feet.

“ You said Logan said, then you stopped talking.” I said laughing at how red his face was. “ oh ya, Logan said he wants his jersey back.” Jake said this time looking me in the eye. “ which jersey, I have a lot.” I said sighing.

“ Umm I think it was his football one, yeah it was his football one.” he said shaking his head. “ hold up, let me get it.” I said walking over to my dresser, and going down to the bottom drawer, and pulling out Logan's football jersey.

I walked back over to Jake, “ here.” I said handing him the jersey. “ thanks.” he said turning around, and walking out of my room. Poor kid that must have been so awkward for him, I don't know why though, because we all used to shower together, then again we were only like 5 now we are 16.

I laughed, and grabbed my backpack, and my phone, and headed down stairs. I sat on the last step, and put my shocks on, then my converse. I got up, and walked to the kitchen. “ hey daddy.” I said walking over to my dad, who was making coffee, and kissed him on the cheek.

“ Hey baby girl.” he said smiling, and kissing my cheek back. Then my brother walked in, with Jake right next to him. “ so I heard Jake walked in on you when you were getting dressed.” Logan said trying not to laugh.

I shook my head. “ it's not funny.” Jake said looking down at his shoes. “ did you like what you saw?” my brother asked. Jake looked up at him like he had three heads. “ Logan, bro that's your sister.” Jake said raising an eyebrow at him.

“ Ya, and?” Logan asked shrugging his shoulder. Jake just gibb smacked him. I laughed, and walked up to Logan, and did the same. He looked at me, and raised a hand to act like he was gonna hit me back. I raised my eyebrows at him “ you really wanna do that?” I asked him threateningly.

He shook his head, and put his hand back down. “ wow bro your afraid of your sister.” Jake said shaking his head. “ dude have you ever felt her punch, or seen her get into a fight?” Logan asked defensibly.

I looked around the kitchen to see if my dad was anywhere, because he didn't know that I fight every Friday nights at the fighting rink. I didn't see him anywhere thank god. I looked back at Logan, and gibb smacked him again. “ dumb ass, dad could have heard you!” I whisper yelled at him.

“ Sorry.” Logan said shrugging, and walking over to the cereal cabinet. I turned around, to go get some coffee, then I felt a slap on my ass. I turned around to see Jake standing by the island, acting like he didn't do anything. I walked up to him, and acted got on my tippy toes, and put my hand on his arm, and went to whisper something in his ear “ I wouldn't have don't that.”

He looked confused, then was about to say something, but with the hand I had on his right arm I flung him over my head, so he was laying on his back, then I straddled him. He looked shock for a second “ h- how did you do that?” he asked in awe.

“ That's for me to know, and you not too find out.” I said smirking, and getting off of him. I walked over to the coffee again, and got a cup. I turned around, and saw Jake was still on the ground, and my brother was on the floor next to him laughing his ass off.

“ My * laugh* sister * laugh* just * laugh* beat your ass.” my brother managed to say between laughs. Jake rolled his eyes and got, up. “ none of this happened.” Jake said looking at me with pleading eyes. I shrugged, “ I wont tell anyone, but it's gonna cost you.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He raised an eyebrow at me “ no.” he said shaking his head. “ fine, ill just text Jess, and tell her to tell everybody.” I said getting my phone out of my back pocket. His eyes widened “ you wouldn't.” he said narrowing his eyes at me. “ I wont if I get $20 bucks.”

He glared at me, and I glared back. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he sighed, and gave up. “ fine.” he said taking his wallet out of his back pocket, “ here.” he said shoving a $20 bill in my hand.

“ Awe, you know I would have done anything for a friend.” I said innocently, while putting the money in my back pocket behind my phone. His mouth fell open. “ unbelievable.” he said as I was walking out of the kitchen. “ now you see what I have to deal with.” Logan sneered. I am always getting money out of him, and not by asking, no, I blackmail him.

I walked over to the key holders by the door, and grabbed my keys. I walked outside, and hooped in my 2005 Chevy truck. I was a blue color, and it is my baby. I got in, and started it up. I turned on the radio, and Radioactive, by Imagine Dragons came on.

I smiled a huge smile. As I was putting my seat belt on, I felt like someone was watching me. I have felt like that for the past week. I just figure it's my imagination. I shrug, and put the truck in reverse, and turn onto the road, and head to school..............................................................................................

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