chapter 2

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I walked into school, and was crushed into a hug by one of my best friends Max. “ Hunty!!” she yelled while squeezing the air out of my lungs. “ it's Hunter, not Hunty, how many times do I have to say that.” I said glaring at her.

She looked at me with puppy dog eyes, I can never resist her puppy dog eyes. “ but I like calling you Hunty.” she said pouting at me. “ fine.” I said sighing. “and you tell me that I need to grow up.” I said in a teasing voice. She rolled her eyes at me, and grabbed my arm, and drug me to our locker.

Yes, our locker, she hates hers it's by the boys bathroom, so I told her she could share mine with me. “ so did you hear?” “ no, all I hear is annoying giggling.” I said turning around. Max turned around with me. There she was the school slut Veronica, she was all over my brother.

I fake gagged, and Max did the same thing. Veronica looked over at us, and sneered. “ what do you want whore?” she asked. Me, and Max just laughed, and I closed the locker, and walked over to veronica. “ I am the whore?” I asked her raising an eyebrow.

“ ya, you heard me.” she sneered. “ oh ok, you're right I am a whore, I actually where clothes, that cover myself, and don't have sex with multiple guys, you know I am surprised you aren't in the hospital.” I said looking at her faking confusion.

“ what the hell are you talking about, why would I be in the hospital.” she asked confused. I wanted to laugh at her face so bad, but held it in. “ well I mean I thought your herpes would have affected you more.” I said smirking. It took her a couple of seconds to comprehend what I said, then she glared at me with her mouth opened.

“ Ohhhhhhhhh!!” I heard people yelling. I looked around, and realized we drew a pretty big crowd. I smirked. Then right as I turned my head back to look at veronica, she slapped me right in the face. My head jerked to the right. “ you bitch!!” Max yelled at Veronica. She was about to hit her, but I beat her to it.

I lifted my fist, and landed it right on her nose, making her fall to the floor unconscious. My brother, and the group of his friends behind him, who were behind Veronica moved out of the way, when she fell back. She was lead cheerleader, and had the football team always at her side.

So, right after she fell on the floor, the football players came up, and the one is front was about to hit me, but my brother caught his wrist “ don't you dare touch my sister.” Logan all but growled at him. Everyone gasped except Max, and Jake.

I should probably mention why everyone was so surprised. It was because no one knew we were brother, and sister. Yes, we have been going here for 3 years, and no one knew. He was a grade above me, and we just never talked at school, and everyone here was too stupid to even realize our last names where the same.

Max, and Jake, Logan, and I started laughing, because everyone’s face was so funny, it looked like they just found out the biggest secret in the world. One of the football jocks, snapped out of it first, and came up, behind me without me knowing, and turned me around, and socked me right in the face.

Well that's gonna leave a bruise. I thought to myself. Ma was about to hit him when I said “ I got this.” I said smirking at her evilly. She smirked back, and stepped back. I got on my tippy toes, so my mouth was right by his ear, and asked him “ do you know who killer is?” He looked confused for a second, then realization hit him.

“ The street fighting chick, who always beat everyone’s ass?” he ask raising his eyebrows. “ yeah her.” “ what about her.” he asked getting a little annoyed. “ you know that tattoo she has on her hip?” I asked my smirk growing wider. “ ya the one of a bird right?” he asked looking at the ceiling. “ I don't know you tell me.” I said taking my hand off his shoulder, and lifting my shirt up to show my hip.

“ Ya, that's exactly what it is.” he said pointing at my hip. “ but what does that-” he was saying,but them looked at me with wide eyes. “ y-your h-her?” he said sounding scared. “ in the flesh, and blood.”i said smirking, and putting my shirt back own.

“ But your so....” he said looking like he was looking for a word to say. “ small, weak looking.” I said walking towards him, which made him start to back away. I kept walking to him, until his back hit the locker, so I had him pinned against the wall. : is that what you were gonna say?” I asked him getting in his face.

“ N-no, I was gonna say-” he was about to say something but I cut him off. “ don't lie to me I'm not gonna hurt you.” I said making puppy eyes. He gulped. “ so what were you gonna say?” I asked still with puppy eyes. “ I w-was gonna s-say you were weak looking, and s-s-small.” he said looking down at the ground.

I backed away, and said “ thank you that is all I wanted to hear.” he looked at me confused. “ I only wanted to hear the truth.” I said smiling at him sweetly. “ he just stared at me like was crazy. “ but please don't tell anybody, about my little secret.” I said pointing to my hip. He looked at my hip, then back up at me.

Everyone looked confused, but just went off to class. His friends came up to him, and asked “ why did you look so scared” they asked. “ he looked at me, and I shook my head. “ nothing, I just thought that the freak was gonna kiss me.” he said looking back at me. I smirked, and turned around, and started walking to homeroom.

I was about to pass my locker when my brother yelled, you shouldn't have showed him he might tell people!” I turned around to look at him. Nobody knew what we were talking about, except me, Max, Jake, an my brother. “ he wont if he knows what's good for him!” I yelled back, and turned back around. I heard one of his friends ask “ what is she talking about?” Then I heard Max answer him “ nothing.” she said like she was threatening him to say anything else.

“ Hey wait for me!” Max yelled. I tuned around, and was tackled to the ground. “ sorry I was gonna jump on your back, but then you just had to turn around.” she said getting off of me. “ sorry I can't read minds, ill work on it.” I said chuckling.

She punched me in the arm. Then we started walking to homeroom. We walked in there, and everybody was laughing, and joking around, like nothing happened.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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