Chapter 1: Shock

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  Julian took a final gulp of Coke and tossed the empty can onto the overflowing hand bin. He guiltily glanced at it, remembering that it was his turn on the rota to empty it, but quickly turned back to his Facebook. His mouth dropped open.

  "I don't believe it." he said, tapping the screen of his IPad.

  "What?" said Anne, looking up from her music and removing one earphone.

  "I still don't believe it..." he murmured.

  "Spit it out!" laughed his brother.

  "Remember Jo?" Julian asked, looking around at his relatives.

  "Jo?" inquired George, raising an eyebrow. "Joe Sugg, you mean? The famous Youtuber?"

  "No! Jo! The traveller girl from our old adventures!"

  "Oh. That Jo." George scowled. She had never liked the slightly adoring girl, even when she was young. "What about her?"

  "I've just found her on Facebook." said Julian.

  "Really? Her?" Anne exclaimed.

  "I'm pretty sure, Anne. Her face is her profile picture and I'd recognise it anywhere. She just popped up on my 'people you may know' section."

  Anne peered over his shoulder.

  "Oh! Goodness! It is her, isn't it? She's certainly... grown, hasn't she?" she said.

  "Hopefully in brain capacity, as well as physically." George sniped. She'd reluctantly had to start wearing feminine clothes when people identified her as a 'female transvestite' at interviews and accordingly terminated the interrogation. She hoped that Jo, who had also liked wearing boy's clothes but had had to wear skirts, had gone through something similar.

  "Don't be like that, George." reprimanded Richard. "She was pretty innocent, if not a little cheeky."

  "You would defend her, wouldn't you, Richard?" George interrupted with a bite to her voice, "She always had a crush on you and I do believe you liked her too!"

  "Shut up, the pair of you." commanded Julian. "The question is: should I send her a friend request? After all, she was a friend."

  "No!" exclaimed George, at the same time as the other two contradicted her.

  "Two votes to one, I'm afraid, George." Julian said. "Request pending. "

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