Plot Summary: The story takes place a little in the future. Guided by one particular song, young elementary school student Suzuhara Sorata, from the Heisei Era, is warped through a time skip to an unfamiliar place that looks much like the towns from the Meiji or Taishou period from his textbooks. In this world, he meets three young ladies and nine young men and joins them on a journey aboard the mysterious Norn ship, a giant globe that floats in midair.Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Time-Travel
Released: 2016
**This anime has only one season consisting of 12 episodes. Norn9 is origanlly an otome game but bcoz of the demand they decided to make an anime adaptation. The story is not focusing only in one shipping so its more like niijiro days (hehe its included to my list so dont worry).
So here the characters have different special powers and they lived in a floating ship to protect their world. The main fem char here is kinda weak tho she hav her own power, the boys are either saving or protecting her. She cant even control her power .
Anime-Reverse Harem
RandomThis is my list of reverse harem anime.. ^\\\^ i will provide small description for each anime.