Chapter Five

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So this chapter is a bit short, sorry.

But lots happens in it, so I really hope you enjoy reading.

PLEASE give me feedback in the form of comments. I am begging you.

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Chapter 5 - Sherlock

It was the fifth week of school. I had gotten back into the routine now, but I was still helping John assimilate. It was funny, though because he always seemed like he knew where he was going, but whenever I asked him if he needed help, he would smile and say, "Yeah, I'm lost."

Not that I quite minded.

I liked helping him. I liked to know that I had someone who wanted me around. There were times that I wondered if I was just that person that latches onto another person without being wanted. Like a parasite. But I realized that if either of us were guilty of that, it would be John. I wanted him, but he had latched onto me in a way.

During our study sessions, sometimes I would get this ache in the pit of my stomach. It happened when he looked at me a certain way or if he annunciated spells in a way that made his lips...

Stop, Sherlock. No. You can't. You are a prefect.

Besides, I had bigger problems now.

There was a first year who thought he was smarter than me. His name was Jim and he was a Slytherin. I'd heard him talking to a friend of his. He didn't know I was listening, but he'd said, "I've got all the brains Sherlock Holmes has, but I'm not a half breed and I don't make friends with mudbloods. That's what makes me better."

It upset me that someone would question my intellect because of who I choose to be friends with. It wasn't upsetting enough to give up my friendship with John though. Nothing was worth giving that up.

When so many people dislike you, you can't pick and choose your friends.

It was finally started getting colder. That meant that when John and I met by the lake for tutoring, nobody else was outside. It was quiet and we could concentrate.

"Sherlock?" I heard John ask and looked up from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which I was using for my Care of Magical Creatures homework.

"Yes, John?" I asked.

"How do you pronounce this spell?" he asked me, handing me his potions book. It was an old book, crumbling at the binding. It seemed as though it had never been new.

I looked at where he had been pointing.


"I don't know...I've never seen that one before," I told him.

"I wonder why they wrote it in the margins says 'for enemies', Sherlock. What do you think that means?"

"That it's not for friends," I replied grudgingly, a bit upset that I didn't already know what it meant. "Whose book is it?"

John looked on the inside of the cover and announced, "All it says here is 'The Half-Blood Prince.'"

"Guess we'll never know what it means then," I shrugged.

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