| TAGGED!! |

387 12 13

I was tagged by FtGoddess13. Thanks!! 


1. Write five facts about yourself.

2. Don't do it in comments.

3. Complete this within week.

4. Backing out is prohibited.

5. Tag 15 people.

Facts about me:

1. I love food. Exactly, sweets -M&Ms, Nutella, Chocolates.

2. I love to wear my cherry, Martens.

 I love to wear my cherry, Martens

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 3. Maybe I'm too old for this but I love dragons and dinosaurs.

4. I have my special song, which is very important for me. 

5. I'm studying to be the best vet in Poland. That is all about me. ^_^

People, who I will tag:

Ryuu_EucliffeSkyfiredragon2000YandereAsrielKittyKimmyGalaxydarknightskies306978, Kira-The-AngelGaming_Crystal3099arileon123Nimphia_CallasTomohara1Paulina04mLettitiaYnn,
 Trefl13yilda14 and SoranoSunflower

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