finding nostalgia

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- approximately a year ago -

"Knock knock," Sugawara tapped against the doorframe of Oikawa's open dorm room.

Oikawa glanced up from his desk, visually acknowledged him, then turned his eyes back to his homework.

"I wanted to ask you a few things."

"Go ahead," Oikawa said.

"So, you're not required to stay in the dorms anymore are you?" Sugawara was watching Oikawa's fingers move his pen in quick strokes over his paper.

"Not since the new semester started, no."

There was groaning from the hallway, and the sound of a loud crash.

Sugawara thought he knew the answer to his next question, but he figured he'd ask anyway, "You're not attached to the dorms for some reason, right?"

Oikawa lifted his gaze to Sugawara as Abe, one of Oikawa's roommates, stumbled into the room. "Oh. Oikawa-san, Sugawara-san," he greeted weakly. His face was pallid and had a sheen of sweat over his forehead. He winced, chest lurching forward, "Uhg, I'm so hungover."

Oikawa looked at Abe like he had just licked the bottom of a shoe.

"Oh and sorry about last weekend," Abe was saying, moving behind them slowly while clutching his stomach.

"What happened last weekend?" Sugawara asked, giving the suffering guy a confuse face doing the same to Oikawa

Abe paused to lean against the frame of his bed, squeezing his eyes closed, "I puked on his textbook."

Oikawa blinked very pointedly at Sugawara, "No," he answered dryly, "not attached."

Sugawara pursed his lips. He wasn't sure if he was smiling or cringing. Maybe a bit of both.

"Well, I would hate to take you away from all that," Sugawara said, fingers sliding against the top of Oikawa's desk, "but Daichi isn't going to live with me and my lease is up this coming weekend. Want to get a place together?"

Oikawa cast him an obviously look before moving his eyes back to his notebook, "Sure."

Sugawara blinked and gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, "Well that was easy. I thought it would take me at least a pie and half to make you agree."

- Present time -

Oikawa's forehead bangs against the bus' glass window, waking him up. He rubs the red spot, checking his watch in process. "Oh shoot." He clicks his tongue, realizing that he had fallen asleep longer that he should have, and missed his stop. He quickly scrambles to press the stop button, and a soft bell sound penetrates his hearing. He scurries out of the vehicle, but not before bowing his head accompanied by a thank you to the bus driver.

About two blocks away from his suppose-to-be destination, Oikawa finds himself passing by the hospital he spends his Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at. No don't worry, he's not sick, he's in a very good condition. Since he will be working in the same domain, he likes to help in clinics here and there to gain experiences. As for now, the workers there let Oikawa help in minor incidents (of course, it's not like they're going to assign a student to perform a surgery).

"You're late." Sugawara said, holding a brown paper bag. The said container is releasing sweet automnal fragrance; Oikawa could practically savour the crusty outside, the soften apples with cinnamon and sugar which frittered on the bread, melting in his mouth. Just by imagining it, Oikawa's tastebuds water of desire. And he has to actually swallow a lump forming in his mouth, insult him of disgusting, he doesn't care. The aroma of whatever it is in the bag cause Oikawa's stomach to release a monstrous like growl.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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