Chapter Two

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"Gigi!" Alex snorted, laughing at her bad imitation of Elvis Presley.

"You're so not doing it right," Nick, Alex's twin brother, added.

"Fine. If you're such an expert, you try." Genevieve huffed, biting back her smile.

Nick began singing in a spot on imitation of Elvis' voice as Alex danced along. It was so good that she did an actual double take, stopping in the middle of the hallway to gawk at them. She clapped enthusiastically when they were done and Nick looked smug.

"Elvis? Is that you?" Genevieve asked, poking the dimple in Nick's cheek.

He swatted her hand away and kept walking, stopping at his locker.

"Fourth grade talent show," Alex explained.

Nodding in understanding, Genevieve peered into Nick's locker. She laughed slightly as she saw how neat it was. The books were organized by size and placed on the top shelf of the locker, while a stack of folded clothes took up the bottom half. She had observed him enough in the last week to know that messy didn't even begin to describe him. Lunch was practically entertainment. That's why she was so surprised to see how clean his locker was.

"Parker made me," he muttered, looking slightly annoyed.

"Which doesn't even make any sense because he's even messier than Nick is," Alex said, pointing out the irony.

"Exactly!" Nick grumbled.

Parker was Nick's boyfriend. They got together freshman year after Nick dropped his tray in the cafeteria and was so embarrassed that Parker dropped his, too. Then Parker invited him to sit at his table and Nick agreed since Alex happened to be absent that day. Alex was never absent and he wouldn't have agreed if she was there that day, so the two boys swear it was fate. So far, Genevieve had heard this story about 27 times already, and she had only known them for a week.

"Exactly what?" Parker said as appeared, wrapping an arm around Nick's waist.

"Speak of the devil," he said under his breath before turning to his boyfriend and smiling, saying a quick 'nothing' as he pecked his lips.

The four of them began walking towards the school's exit, having decided earlier that they would go see a movie after school. There was this family-owned movie theater that showed old classics, and Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" was playing at six. They all thought it was an appropriate movie to get into the Halloween spirit with, even if it wasn't the typical ghost movie.

As the two boys made their way to the twin's shared mini van, Alex and Genevieve got into her buggy. Soft music spilled out of the radio and Alex immediately recognized it as The Black Keys, turning it louder and absentmindedly singing along. Genevieve harmonized easily, drumming the steering wheel with her fingers out of habit.

The sun was already going down and Genevieve watched with appreciation as the darkness of night blended with the colors streaking across the sky. She rolled down her window and stuck her arm out, driving faster than the speed limit as she trailed her hand in the air. She laughed slightly as Alex shrieked at her to slow down, driving faster on the empty road. Once she got to the intersection, she slowed to a stop, turning to face a queasy looking Alex. She was rubbing her temples in a soothing motion and mumbling under her breath about wannabe daredevils. When they pulled into the parking lot, she jumped out of the car while it was still running and kissed the ground dramatically.

"Now you definitely have herpes," Genevieve said once she had gotten out of her car. 

Alex just flipped her off and stood up, smoothing away the wrinkles in her pants. She had made out with this random dude at a party last month and she had recently gotten a text from an unknown number telling her she might have herpes. So far so good, but that didn't keep her from endlessly worrying about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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