A Promise

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"She'll be fine." A gentle voice spoke as I felt a hand stroke through my hair.

"Thank goodness... I knew she wouldn't be careful.."

"She likes to follow her fate, her destiny. Nothing can really stop her."

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Ji Gong and Lady Choi talking to one another.

"Father?.." I softly mumbled, trying to get my vision back.

"Mi-Suk. Hey..." He turned to me, placing a hand over my forehead.

"Why happened?"

"I've heard that you fainted. So I came to help. You're getting a fever, but with some rest, you'll be alright. Take your medicine, and keep warm."

"Okay.." I looked up at him.

He grabbed his supplies and went out the door as Lady Choi bowed. She walked towards me, and sat next to me.

"You should've been careful, Princess."

I smiled softly and nodded. "Maybe.. You're always like a mother to me, Lady Choi... Than my real mother...."

"Princess, pleasw don't say such thing."

"But it's true.... My mother was always busy, taking over the throne and not letting Sam Maek a chance to take his seat.. And me, she treated me like I was nothing every since the incident. Only Princess Sook Myung had everything. The Queen favored her than us. I could've went with father.."

Lady Choi sighed as the maids came in with medicine.

"Princess, your medicine is here." 

I slowly got up as she helped me. She nodded at the maid, as she tried it making sure there was no poison in it. The maid nodded, handing it to me. I drunk all of it and gave it back to her.

"Now, get some rest your Highness." She got up and left after the maid.

I climbed out of my bed and walked towards the window. I opened it seeing Ban Ryu open a note. He read it, smiling.

'A note...? I haven't written one to him... Who's note is he reading?' I questioned myself.

I went back, pulling out my paper, inks and brush. My table was out and stared at the blank paper.

'Is this worth it..?' I thought and started writing as I got an idea.

"Lady Choi." I called out, folding the note and putting it in an envelope. "Please send this to Hwa Gong."

She lowered her head, grabbing the note. "Yes, your Highness."

I sighed, laying back down onto my bed, and closing my eyes back to sleep. There was a noise off someone opening the door. They made their way towards me, and sat down. 

"You saw.." The voice was unsteady, as it tried to reach for me. 

'Ban Ryu..'

His hands reached for my hair as I kept my eyes closed. He started to slowly stroke my hair, and pulling something out of his pocket with his other hand. Ban Ryu placed it in front of him and sighed.

"Who knows what is ahead.. Fate has its own, right?" 

"Yes.. Yes it does." 

"Your awake?" He got up reaching for the present back, but I grabbed his hand. I looked down at it, pulling out a bracelet from him. 


"It's nice.." I softly smiled, tears filled my eyes.

"Don't cry." He reached for my cheek, caressing it. "You're... way to beautiful to cry in front of me."

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