Chapter 13

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"It appears as though this women had her left kidney removed- although according to her health documents she never had any kidney surgery..."

"Maybe someone stole it?"

"Don't be ridiculous Mrs.Tenking! Why would someone steal a kidney?"

"Well there have been local reports of a man eating them sir."

"Ha! It's completely ridiculous!  No one would eat a kidney- even someone that's mentally ill woulden't try that or be able to attempt it."

"Well- either or sir we have to get her a new Kidney. It says here she really needs both of her kidneys..."

"Hmm... Well- are we able to retrieve a kidney for her?"

"No sir..."

"Then we'll have one ported in."

"N-No sir. You don't understand. Her blood type is AB. The rarest blood type. Her immune system won't accept any other type of blood..."

"Hmm... does she have any relatives whom have the same blood type?"

"No sir.. She was adopted.."

"I see... Just.. Try and find a donor as quickly as possible.."

My eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Shh! She's waking up.."

I blinked away my blurry vision and I flopped my head over to where I heard the voices. I spotted both a man and a woman. The man looked like he was in his 40's and was already slightly bald. He had a few wrinkles over his face but they seemed like they were new... He wore a lab coat over a blue dress shirt with a black and white polka dotted die.

The girl seemed young enough to be his youngest daughter. She looked like she was in her early twenties, she had golden blonde hair with brown eyes, she pretty much looked like a cover girl besides not being as thin as a twig. Mind you she was fairly thin, but seemed like she was holding her gut in. And she was obviously clumsy. She held two binders, one black and one white, a clip board and a stack of lined paper within her arms as if the pack was going to explode. Maybe she was knew, maybe she was an assistant. Maybe it really was his daughter?

"W-What happened...?" I grumbled.

"Miss.. We found you lying in a stretcher in the main entrance. We don't know how you got there but.. well. If you find out who helped you here you better thank 'em." The man spoke.

"I mean- what's going on with me...? I heard you and her talking and... oh god my head hurts so much..." I grumbled as I moaned in pain and shut my eyes tight as the room began to spin.

"Miss.. Please. Take these..." The girl said softly.

I managed to open my heavy eyelids once again, able to see the girl holding out one of those small somewhat paper cup's filled with water and in her other hand she had about seven tiny pills. They were about the size of my pinkie nail. I guess they were beside me and she had dropped her stuff to give them to me.

I shakingly pushed myself so I was sitting up- with assistance from what I assumed to be the doctor of course. I glanced back over at what I think was the nurse and saw she haden't moved and simply offered me the pills once again.

I stretched my now pale arm towards her and I grabbed the handful of pills and plopped them into my mouth before quickly scooping up the paper cup and gulped down the pills and water.

I let out a sigh of relief slightly, my mouth had been so dry and I haden't realized it. The small cup only seemed to make me even more thirsty...

"Mrs.Tenking, get her some more water while I explain this to her.." The doctor spoke as he carefully sat down on the bed beside me.

Mrs. Tenking nodded and gently took the cup out of my hands and went to fetch me some more of that weird tasting hospital water.

I watched as she slowly stepped out of the room and once she did I changed my gaze to the doctor that sat beside me.

" Miss. Jessica-"

"How do you know my name?"

"Mrs. Tenking recognized you for when she was an intern at the hospital you worked at.." He explained.

"Now... Miss Jessica... It appears as though your left kidney is missing.." He said slowly as he carefully pointed to my left side.

I glanced down at my slightly bloody robe and noticed there was a little flap at my side. I flipped it open in order to see a slightly swelled up stitch.

"We saw that it was infected and we took the stitches out. We noticed that we had to redo surgery on your insides- I guess you could say.. the stitches had come undone. Guess you diden't feel it until It was to late..."

"No shit.."

He simply chuckled lightly.

"Well- we checked your records afterwards and it appears as though you need both kidney's to survive... but..-"

"My blood type is AB... rarest blood type in the world."

"Precisely.. But don't fret. You'll be fine. We'll find you a doner as soon as possible."

"Thank you Doctor...?"


"Doctor, Elevent? Are you the eleventh doctor and Mrs. Tenking is the tenth?" I asked

He shot me a confused look.

"Dun nun nu dun nun nu... Dun nun nu nu nu nu ooWEEOoooo" I sang lazilly.

The doctor smiled and broke out laughing.

"First time I heard that..." He chuckled.

I simply smiled. I just loved making doctor who references...

"Now- I hope you understand-"

"I do. I am a doctor after all." I pointed out before letting out a yawn.

"Your right. I apologize. Doctor Jessica. Now- I have to go now. But I'll put on Doctor Who for you alright?" He said as he walked over to the tv, just as the nurse came back.

"No thank you.. I'm just going to sleep.. beside's I know how much you guys charge for a tv in a hospital room.." I yawned again.

"Alright.." He said as he drew away his hand from the tv as the nurse put down the cup of water beside me.

 "Thanks.." I coughed as I cleared my throat once again.

I turned my gaze up to the ceiling and felt my eyes slowly begin to grow heavy.

"We should leave her to rest... She has a long life ahead of her..." I heard the doctor whisper to the nurse.

As my eyelids flutter closed I heard the clatter clutter of their footsteps as they left the room.

I let out a deep breath as the reality began to hit me..

I might not get a kidney back...

I actually might die from this...


They can just make me one from the new medical 3D printer...

But this was a cheap hospital... I doubt they could afford one...

I coulden't think about this right now...

I needed to get some rest...

It seemed like in no time I fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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I'll give you my heart... and your kidney back.. (Eyeless Jack love story)Where stories live. Discover now