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Authors note: This story is mostly from the point of view of Ryan, the main character, because in my opinion boys are better as main characters. It makes it more interesting.

Love is not something that we can handle easily especially when we are not able to meet each other. To some people it may sound cliché but this is not a story like Romeo and Juliet and if in some way it is this story is more painful for me than it was for Romeo. My name is Ryan. I am the son of the west wolf’s tribe leader. It’s not what you think, we are not werewolf’s who turn into a wild beast on full moon. Those wolfs only appear in movies and fiction books. We, the west wolfs tribe, can change to normal wolfs whenever we want too. Our living area is on the forest next to the human’s village.

There was a time when us wolf’s and the humans lived together in the same village but that all changed. Humans began to feel inferior and that scared them. Since we were stronger and could change easily they began to feel hatred and envy towards us. Us wolfs didn’t feel any hatred towards human. Shortly after the hatred grew bigger in their hearts the humans started a war which was unexpected for us. Our only choice was to run to the forest for the sake of humans. The day the Bloodshed War started I was just a kid. I watched my mother be murder by a coldblooded human while I ran into forest. That day blood was shed all over the villages.

 My father used to say “Humans are not trustworthy”. I guess he was right but not completely. There is still one human I can trust. My childhood friend, Lilia. She’s sweet, nice, smart and fun. She doesn’t care about our differences. And well I guess you could notice by the way I described her she’s the girl I love. But there’s just one problem. She doesn’t remember me. It’s like she never knew me. She doesn’t remember the promises we made or the bonds we created. All the fun moments we had together were forgotten. All memories of us. Gone. And it’s all because of that accident. If only all of that hadn’t happened. But of course for you to understand I have to explain from the beginning how she lost her memories.

We first met in the forest two years after the Bloodshed war. She had lost her way into the forest while she was picking up flowers for her mother’s grave. Hadn’t she realized she was an intruder in the wolf’s territory? If another wolf had seen her they would’ve automatically kill her. I silently got closer and sneaked up on her. She turned around and saw me. I held a small knife close to her neck as protection.

“Who are you and what are you doing in wolf’s territory?” I questioned

            “That’s none of your business” she said looking me straight in the eyes and pushing me away with all her might.

We were kids so we started to talk. Before we knew it we were friends and we kept seeing each other at the same place. I think not having a mother bonded us a little. You could say we felt each other’s pain and sadness. As the time passed we become closer. We even promised that no matter what we would always be together. She didn’t care that I was a wolf and I didn’t care that she was human.

For the first time since the war I was happy. But I should’ve known that it was too good to last. I should’ve known that this happiness wouldn’t last forever. If only I would’ve been more careful. If only my dad hadn’t find out. He started suspecting I was spending my time with a human and followed me one day when I went to meet her. He soon found out where we secretly met. And the worst part is we were both there when he found out.

Once he saw Lilia his eyes turned from brown to a bright red. It was scary. I had never seen dad with those bright scary eyes. He looked at Lilia as if he knew her. An indeed he did know her. She was the daughter of the General who started the war. Once he recognized her he got even more furious.

In the blink of an eye he had already turned into a wolf. Everything happened so fast that I can’t still remember clearly what happened. All I know was that one second he’s standing there and the next he’s attacking Lilia. She tried to fighting him all she could and I tried to interfere but we were so young. How were we supposed to fight against his incredible strength?

She could only try to shield herself with her arms while he kept attacking her with his claws and jaw. He threw her against a giant oak tree. He heard some human voices and escaped. I quickly ran to her side. Her head and body were all covered in bites, scratches and blood. I was so scared because I didn’t want to lose her. I couldn’t handle losing her. I screamed for help and hid.

The humans came and took her away I wanted to be there with her but I remembered. I’m a wolf. If I went in the village and got found out I would be dead meat. After a few days I gathered the courage to go to the village and see her, hoping she was alive. And there she was standing next to the blooming flowers. I walked up to her.

“Lilia, you’re okay, thank God. I was so scared I would lose you” I said taking a deep breath.

She looked at me with confused eyes and said the words that have made a great scar in my heart. “Who are you? I’m sorry but have I haven’t met you before.”

I stood there not knowing what to do. Tears were about to fall down my cheeks. It’s painful to know you’re the only one who remembers all those nice memories. But what hurts the most is that I couldn’t protect her. Was that my punishment? Would she ever remember? I didn’t even tell her I loved her. Now it’s no use.

I don’t remember the exact words I said but I know that on that day I made her a new promise. I promised her I would always protect her and then I ran away. And now eleven years later I’m still watching after her. I sneak into the village since we look like normal humans except for a mark in our body. But other than that everyone would think we are human when we are in our human form. Before, when I was little, it was hard to sneak in but now it’s easier. I watch her from afar sometimes we greet each other but nothing more. I know it sounds like I’m stalking her but it’s not like that.

She works at the bakery as par time and every day she seems to become prettier. It hurts not being able to be with her. We live in two different worlds. I don’t belong in her world and my world is too dangerous for her. It’s better if she doesn’t know who I really am. Up until now she thinks I’m a villager called Ryan. It’s better if she keeps thinking that way. I don’t want her to have anything to do with the wolf tribe.

“Ryan what are you doing whispering all to yourself” her sweet voice asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Huh… Lilia” I said surprised.

“Yep. Were u expecting someone else” she said with a smile.

“No… I wasn’t waiting for anyone. Just here thinking” I stuttered.

            Damn it every time it come to her I lose my cool. We talked for a while. It felt like the old times. It felt like we were close again. Even though she only knew my name because I’m a client at the bakery. Is it okay for me to get my hopes up just because she remembered my name? Would it be alright if I tell her who I am?

            I glanced at her arm where my dad left a scar engraved in her skin. It’s too dangerous for her to know. If anything happen like what happened in the past I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. I can’t tell her no matter how much I want her to recognize me. Especially with that rumor about that person being back to the village.

“Hey, Ryan. Seriously stop spacing out” she said looking straight into my eyes like the day I met her.

“Sorry, I have to go” I said while standing up and walking away.

            That’s bad, I almost told her everything. My heart hurts so much. It’s too painful we can’t be together like old times. Loving her is a heartache for me. Not being able to hold her hand or kiss her. Just watching silently how she smiles at everyone hoping that one day she would look at me and remember our bonds, our promises, our love.

“Is that the girl your always coming to the village for?’’ said I mysterious voice from behind.

I quickly turned my head because I knew that voice.

“So the rumors were true you really are back” I said with a serious tone in my voice.

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