Moving // Italy x Fem!Reader \\

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-This one might not end in a romantic way, since I feel like not being traditional-

(Y/N) grinned to themself as they looked around the crowded park. Her (H/C) hair rustling as the wind blew by, she grinned even more as this happened her (E/C) eyes glittering in the sunlight. She sat down in the grass watching as people walked, jogged, and ran by her position. The peace was well... peaceful to the female. That was until a male with a unique looking curl jogged by letting out loud pants as he did so, another male with slicked back blonde hair running up from behind him yelling with a clear German accent, "Italia! Get running!!" The other male, the brunette made a whining noise before throwing himself into the grass. As you look over at the male laying the the grass panting heavily, you raise an eyebrow how long has he been running? By the looks of it, it had to be miles but when the blonde haired German approached him yelling, "You have only ran for 10 minutes! How are you tired!?" You couldn't help but let out a small snicker at the others pathetic behavior. As the brunette looked up, his eyes darting around until he saw you, the source of the noise the male broke into a grin, "But Doitsu, the Bella thinks I'm-a funny!" He stood up seemingly full of energy now before bounding to your side talking up a storm. The German sighed walking in front of you and the Italian male, "I'm sorry for his behavior." He said frowning, "That is Feliciano and I am Ludwig." He ushered to himself and then the Italian bounding around in front of you. You let out a small giggle and said, "It's fine, I am (Y/First/N) nice to meet you." You held you hand out so the two of you could shake in introduction. The male, Feliciano took you hand shaking it rapidly grinning ad he did so, "Ciao! (Y/N)! Do you mind if I just call you bella?" His rapid-fire speech kind of took you off guard, you knowing very little Latin just nodded and said, "Oh sure.... bella is fine." Ludwig shook his head slightly with an almost pitying expression on his face. Little did you know was that this chance encounter would lead to you, becoming another one of Feliciano's close friends.

××Two months later××

+Feliciano's POV+

As I woke up in let out a heavy sigh, grinning as I did so, another beautiful day! Once I look around the room I couldn't help but notice that Ludwig was no longer with me. He mist have woken up and walked out of the room to get ready, I sort of rolled out of bed barely bracing myself for the cold floor I would impact upon. The floor, which was freezing made me yelp upon contact, I darted onto my feet getting out of the room as fast as possible. As I tripped falling onto the floor making a loud, 'thud' as I fell to the ground. Ludwig walked out of the other room seeing me on the floor before letting out a hearty sigh, "Feliciano. Why are you on the floor? Your friend, the one we met in the park is here as well." He huffed crossing his arms. My eyes widened as he said this, "The bella is-a here?" I said, trying not to shout as I talked due to how early it seemed to be. As if almost on cue (Y/N) walked in the room grinning.

I had to admit, over the time that we had known each other I had begun to feel... feelings for (Y/N). Ludwig lifted me up, "Are you going to see her or do I have to tell her to leave?" I shook my head frantically, before walking to (Y/N)'s side. That was before she just randomly hugged me, "Bella! I must be running off on you!" I laughed, as she laughed back, "Seems as if you are." Oh, I love (Y/N)'s laugh.

+Readers POV+

Feliciano seemed really energetic like usual it's not uncommon for him to be the way. As I cocked my head to the side Feliciano continued to talk, "So, bella why are you here?" He asked I kind of shrugged, "Ludwig called me over." At this point I felt horrible. I hated lying to Feliciano, and it's pretty clear to tell when I am, "Bella? Are you lying?" He asked puffing his cheeks out a bit, you nodded avoiding eye contact, "They why are you here bella? It's really early in the morning." You laughed, "Feliciano it's almost noon." You ushered to the clock that clearly said '11:50' his eyes widened, "I've been asleep for that long?" You nodded. Glad that the 'why are you here?' subject has been dropped.

I was actually here to explain to Feliciano that I would be leaving the country, (Country Name) to move to (Neighboring Country Name) because of my job. The news has already been broken to Ludwig and Kiku, but Feliciano you wanted to save he would most likely take it the worse out of the group.

The Italian stared at me, "You didn't answer my question." He said, innocently. To innocently. I stared down into his hazel/brown eyes with you (e/c) ones. Ludwig who was still in the room, gave you the look of, 'There's no avoiding it now.' I sighed, "Feli." He stared at you, you only called him Feli when breaking bad news, "I-" I started unsure how to word it, "I have to move, if I don't I'll lose my job..."

+2nd person POV (I think :/)+

Feliciano stared at you, his curl slightly blocking. He couldn't believe it, "bella it's not funny to joke about that." He whined, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You shook your head, "I'm not joking. I have to. If I dont..." Feliciano's eyes widened, "Are you at least staying in (Country)?!" He asked panicking. You seemed confused on why he was so eager hear you would be staying, "N-no Feli. I'm moving to (Neighboring Country)." That's when Feliciano lost it. He clung to you burying his head into your chest shaking his head, crying obviously, "B-but (Y-Y/N)! I don't want you to leave! W-why can't you stay and find a new job!?" You froze, tears threatening to spill from your own eyes, "B-because Feli. This job has great pay..." Feliciano looked up at you, tears streaming down his face, "B-but-" He started but you cut him off, "Feli. We can still talk." He shook his head, "N-No!" You gave Ludwig the, 'Help me' look but he gave you the, 'You have to explain' face. Great. As Feliciano continued to sob, you tried to comfort him but it wasn't working, "B-bella! Please don't move!" This just puzzled you more, "Feli. Why do you not want me to move to much, you will still have Kiku and Ludwig."

Feliciano, didn't want to admit to (Y/N) that he felt feelings for her but what would his excuse be then? As you stared down at Feliciano he stared back, tear stains on his face through he continued to cry, "B-bella." You nodded, "Yeah Feli?" He seemed embarrassed as he looked down at his feet his face flushing slightly, "Ti...." He trailed off mumbling a bit, you have never seen Feliciano so... quiet or nervous and you didn't like it, "Feli-" You started but he cut you off, "Let me finish." You nodded going silent for him, "(Y/N), bella. I may... like you more than a friend." You raised an eyebrow, "Like a best friend?" You questioned, "No, Ti Amo (Y/N)."

Now you being friends with Feliciano, that means you've watch some Italian movies with him. As you racked your brain for what 'Ti Amo' meant. Feliciano stared at you, almost instantly regretting saying what he said. As it suddenly smacked your mind like you were run over by a car, "Wait? Feliciano, y-you mean it!?" You didn't know how to take this, he nodded looking at you, "Sí." A faint pink blush was on his cheeks as you continued to stare at him, his curl curling slightly into a small heart shape. He stared at you, "Do you... like me back?" You didn't know what to say, you felt something towards him but nothing this extreme.

+Feliciano's POV+

(Y/N), she must have not felt the same, "Bella-" I started but she cut me off, "Feli..." She seemed conflicted. Did she really like me!? Was she thinking in staying here with me!? She avoided my gaze, "I-I," Was she going to admit it!? "I-I'm.... unsure on how to take this..." I froze, feeling my emotions get ripped the shreds (A/N- good job reader-chan) "W-What?" I said fresh tears making their way into my face, almost burning into my cheeks, "Y-You... dont." I pulled away from her, the tears on my face just increasing. I didn't want to hate her, I really didn't but... I just felt betrayed. I shook my head, running off. Leaving Ludwig and (Y/N) behind.

-okay this one-shot will end up being a series because I want to-
-so this one isn't a one shot-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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