Olivia POV

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My feet crunched the autumn leaves as I walked beside him. My hands were keeping warm in my jacket pockets while the chill in the air bit at my nose. It wasn't cold enough to see my breath but it sure felt like it.

To my right was the man of my dreams. From his light brown hair to his adorable smile and clumsy personality, he was perfect. "Tae, how long has it been?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in his deep husky voice, looking just slightly over to me.

"How long have we been together?" I asked looking up at him letting my feet take me down the side walk.

Taehyung paused and inhaled before answering. "Roughly two years." He smiled at me and I seen the red brushed across his cheeks and nose.

My heart fluttered and I giggled. "That's it? Why does it seem longer than that?"

He responsed with an adorable chuckle. "I don't know but it does seem longer doesn't it."

I felt a hand slip into my pocket and the rush of cold finger tips ran over my warm knuckles. "Jesus Tae! You're freezing! You should have brought a coat, it's not summer anymore."

"Okay mama Jin." His eyes rolled as a smirk tugged at his lips. "Let's go inside and see what everyone else is doing huh? To warm up a bit?"

I nodded. He was getting cold and I didn't want him getting sick. He is a professional singer, getting a little cold can hurt him more than you think.

On our way home I took this time to look at the leaves. The warm colors danced in the slight breeze along with halloween lights that haven't been taken down yet around the houses. Thanks giving just ended yesterday and the smell of food was still spicing up the air.

"I can't believe Jungkook has a girlfriend." I laughed. "Who would want to date that dork?"

Taehyung laughed with you. "Hey, look at me, why are you dating me?"

I rolled my eyes. "You got me there, You are pretty weird." I pushed him a little bit making him stumble.

"Is that how it's gonna be?" Taehyung laughed. Oh no. I started giggling and running away from him as he chased me down the sidewalk. My beanie bounced as my feet took me to the house. I stopped in front of the lawn and Taehyung finally caught up to me. He dragged me down into a pile of raked leaves and started tickling me. "This is what you get."

I flared my arms and feet around as I was a laughing mess. "Taehyung! I'm sorry!" It was impossible to catch my breath so my only option was to wait for it to be over. Taehyung is the love of my life and I don't ever want him to stop loving me.

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