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I tossed to the left, I tossed to the right, nothing was working. All that noise and thumping was driving me insane! I reach over and look at my clock, 2 o'clock in the morning. Uugghh!!!

Every nerve in my body was building with rage. WHY! Why can't they just chill out it's been going on for over three god damn hours! I stood up and walked over to the wall on the other side of the room and banged on the wall. "Quiet down!" People are trying to sleep!"

Jimin and Hoseok have been cuddly ever since they got home and it's SUPER annoying! It makes me uncomfortable when couples start getting all lovey dovey in front of me but it doesn't bother me very often because I'm handsome and can just look at a mirror all day and I would be happy. I smiled to myself. Besides the point!

The thumping didn't stop or quiet down do I rolled ny eyes and grabbed my pillow before heading out to the living room. When I made it out there someone was already occupying the couch. "Namjoon?"

"Yeah, I'm not sleeping." He sat up and scooted over for me to sit down.

I rolled my eyes and took my seat. "I don't think anyone is." A small chuckled left my mouth, and his.

"Normally I don't mind but this is an on going thing tonight!" Namjoon groaned in annoyance. "Also it's Tae and Olive I hear not them, what has gotten into them!?"

I smirked. "Maybe they got engaged." I wiggled my eyebrows and scooted closer to him.

Namjoon pushed me off and laughed. "I guess we will find out in the morning huh?"

"Yeah." I yawned out and cuddled up next to him. "I'm going to try and get some sleep, night Joonie~"

"Aiishh..." Namjoon exhaled before just letting it happen. It wasn't long before sleep consumed me.

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