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{read to the end for the chance to get a shoutout in the next chapter!}
People talking without speaking.
People listening without hearing. 

Latchboy's job was to interpret what Sienna wanted to say to everyone.  It would make things a whole lot easier for all the Lost Boys and Pan himself to not have to try to figure out what this girl was saying. Latchboy knew this would be difficult, sure he knew sign language but he only knew a little bit.

His stomach felt twisted and tight. He had no choice but to agree to Pan's "offer", his life was literally at stake. If he couldn't complete Pan's request and meet standards he would be killed.

"Okay, Pan, I'll do my best," he blurbed.

"No. You will not 'do your best'", Pan mocked, "you will do exactly what I told you. This is your only job, since you're incapable of hunting, and too much of a bone-head to do much else. If you can't handle even this task you will be put to death." Pan's response came darkly.

"Yes Pan." Latchboy's voice was meek.

Sienna had secretly followed them, wanting to know what would happen to her friend. She was shocked by Pan's demeanor when he spoke to his Lost Boys. The Disney movie Peter Pan wasn't anything like this. Soon enough she would learn the only thing he had in common with his cartoon-self was his name.

-Time Skip: 2 months-
(Pan's Pov)
When she gets excited her hands move in bigger patterns and she's practically jumping up and down. Latchboy claims to have a hard time understanding her when she's like this, but I think she's pretty cute when she gets all happy. Happiness isn't something many Lost Boys here are used to seeing.

She's been here about 2 months now; which is two years in the land without magic, and shockingly I've hardly gotten to question her. Had she been a boy, I would know everything about them; name, age, where they're from, good memories, bad memories, and their biggest fears and darkest desires.

I'm going to find out more about her. I don't like not knowing. I need to know everything about everyone on my island. I know her name, age, and that she doesn't talk. That's all I know.

(3rd Person POV)
"Sienna! Get in 'ere!" Pan's British accent boomed through the whole camp.

Sienna and Latchboy ran over and met Pan at the entrance of his tent.

"Let's go. Question time," he spoke with an authorial tone.

He sat on his bed and had her sitting in front of him on a wooden stool. Latchboy stood off to the side where he could see Sienna.

"So, you live on a farm, yet you say you're from Hawaii. Tell me about that..."

Sienna looked at Latchboy and signed to him, then Latchboy turned to Pan, "Her family moved. It got too expensive since they were paying for different treatments. Uh...."

He looked to Sienna again, having forgotten the rest of what she told him. He spoke again, "they moved to...mainland....uh....Tennessee. Uh. Yeah...."

"You said you had 2 older brothers and a sister. Names and ages?"

She signed to Latchboy again, slowly so he could remember better. "Kris is 21, Jacob is 19, Marie is 2 1/2."

"Too bad, your brothers are too old to be brought here. And girls don't typically come here, you-you're just special..." Pan spoke before asking another question, "what is your biggest fear?"

Sienna kept her hands on her lap, not moving. She simply shrugged and hoped he'd move on to the next question.

He pressed on, "Come on, you have to know. Snakes? The dark? Everyone has one," he laughed, "is it something ridiculous or childish?"

She shook her head then signed to Latchboy. Latchboy looked uncomfortable and looked at Pan worriedly.

"Okay Sienna's words not mine!" He said quickly before then adding, "Uh, she said, uh, she said if everyone has a fear, then what's yours?" He gulped.

"SHE DID NOT ASK THAT, YOU LYING PIECE OF $#!+," Pan looked like he might bite Latchboy's head off.

Though Latchboy was taller than Pan, it was pretty obvious Pan could take him down in seconds. Latchboy stayed as far away from Pan as possible.

"She did! I swear, she did! I-I'll leave the room if you want!"

"You're staying right there. Your job is not done. Why don't you share your darkest fear, hm? Since you want to talk about fears so much, you share," Pan crossed his arms with a smirk. He already knew, he just liked to humiliate the boy.

"Pan, I swear to you, she asked that. Not me. Ask her!" He was trying desperately to avoid Pan's question.

Sienna nodded. She had asked that, she didn't see the big deal. Pan had asked her here, why couldn't she ask him his?

"Fine. I'll tell you mine, but first you have to tell me yours. And if you tell anyone what I tell you, I'll snap your neck," was Pan's offer.

Sienna nodded, it seemed like she had no choice anyway. She took a deep breath then looked at Latchboy. She was going to have to tell two people, Pan would only have to tell one; and if he even held up his end of the deal.

She signed to Latchboy, who then told Pan. Pan burst out into laughter then leaned over to Sienna. His breath felt hot against her skin as he whispered in her ear. Sienna could barely believe what she was told. She bit her lip as Pan then added a final warning.

"And remember, if you tell anyone, I'll snap your neck."

{FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVERRRRRRR! Haha, I wrote this on my Royal Caribbean Cruise!! No wifi meant I had plenty of time to work on this!

What? You're upset you didn't learn their fears? Well I need something to talk about in the next chapter! ;)

What do you think Sienna's biggest fear is? Pan's? First person to get them BOTH right, shoutout in the next chapter! (And to keep things fair, I do know already.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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