Chapter 1

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"GET TO SET!" Yelled Dan, the director of Henry Danger. I signed. I had barely been able to get a break before being called. But then again, I was excited because we were going to be shooting a new episode of Henry Danger, and Dan hasn't told us what it was gonna be.

I snapped back to reality when I bumped into a familiar face.

Riele: Hey Jace!

Jace: Hey Riele!

Riele: We should get going, Dan is waiting! Aren't you excited for the new episode!?

Jace: Well durrrrr! Come on!

I was happy to be have an awesome bestie like her. We both walked to the set, where we would be doing table reading. I sat down and quickly scanned before beginning, wanting to know what the episode was about. Oh cool! We were going to be doing an episode called Love Muffin. I would love to spoil, but sadly I can't.

After table read, Dan called a 2 hour lunch break. So, I looked through the crowd to find a familiar petite girl.



I walked through the huge crowd, when i felt hand covering my eyes. I grinned. I already knew it was Jace, just because of the cheeziness of his action.

Riele: Geez, I can officaly put you in category, Cheezy.

Jace: Awwww, don't you love me?

Riele: Yeah sure....

I laughed as Jace made a pouty face. He looked adorable. Wait, I didn't just call my best friend adorable! I dont like him! At least I think I don't.......


Hey Everyone! I don't really know how to make authors notes, but here I am! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I know its boring, but I assure you it'll get better! Please vote and comment, it means a lot to me. Thanks for reading!

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