The Customer

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I was on my typical weekly mall visit. Don't ask me why, I just felt attracted to this gigantic building full of people. I generally went there alone and rarely bought anything. Nothing seemed to make me want to spend my money. So, why did I go there every week?

I wanted to see those men! It is sort of cliché, I know, but I never got tired of it; entering a store, spotting the guy, choosing some random articles and faking an interest in them, calling him and asking some questions to finish talking about our private lives. Then I would change store and do the same thing all over again. Boring ? Not at all! Each of their personalities were so unique and entertaining; they always had something new and interesting to say. I also knew that I could trust them. They were like friends to me.

Today the routine was a little bit different, I joined one of them during lunch time.

-"Are you sure about that ? That's not enough!"

-"Don't worry, it's ok! I'm not hungry today after all."

Our conversation wasn't as fun as usual. It was weird, uncomfortable and even disturbing. He was sitting there, silent, and when I asked him a question he answered in an unusual manner. We barely even made eye contact: I felt as if he was avoiding me.

-"I need to leave, I'm late. Sorry!"- he stood up and I stayed there looking at him without recognizing him anymore. He wasn't the same, I was sure of that.

I sat there for about an hour asking myself what have I done to deserve this?. Last week we laughed, talked about silly moments in our lives... He was nice back then but not anymore. I kept on thinking until I saw a piece of paper on the corner of the table.

For you

It was his handwriting, I recognized it immediately. I took it and put it in my pocket, I didn't want to open it though, not until I was sure this you was indeed me.

I decided to go to another store. I wanted to laugh with someone else and forget him and the message for now. I wanted to but I couldn't. Part of me wanted to go and talk to him, to ask him what the little message was, why his attitude towards me was so different from usual.
All this time he was just treating me like a customer? Was he just being respectful?
I wanted to be sure about that, I needed to go and ask him. If he'd say yes, I don't consider you as a friend, just as a customer then I would've left him alone, I just didn't want to be a burden to anyone.

-"Need any help?"

There he was, I looked at him right in the eyes and he smiled at me. This was so sudden I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to keep looking at him forever, this was so relaxing.
No! Don't be charmed by his eyes, you came here for a reason, to know the truth! I took out the paper from my pocket and started to stammer.

-"W-W--Was th-this for m-m-me?" he lauged and looked at the floor.

-"It is."

Surprised, I started to slowly open the little origami, the one destined to me.

-"Don't"- he grabbed my arm and dragged me to an isolated place, a place where no one could see us. Then, he kissed me. I felt his tongue deep in my mouth, his hands caressing my cheeks. Then he gtabbed my hair. I just followed his rhythm enjoying the moment.

He released my hair and my mouth slowly trying not the ruin the moment. My inner-self was bursting, I wanted more, I needed more. I tried to grab him and just kiss him over and over again but he pushed me. I couldn't understand what was happening; if he doesn't want to keep on doing it, why did he do it in the first place?


-"Why what?"- he looked at me as if nothing just happened.

-"Don't act dumb! The kiss, why?"

-"Oh! Well, I need to please my customers, right? It's my job after all."

After saying those awful words, he walked away with a little smile on his face

and I never saw him again.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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