Summer Time

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One day on a hot summer night, I was at my house sitting on the sofa. I was talking on the phone to my best friend Allison, but she goes by Ally for short. "Come on Nicole! You have to come with me to this party. They say its suppose to be a blast!" says Allison. No one would want me there Ally, who would!? Ohh! Stop downing yourself, she says. You know Nathan wants you there! Fine.. But what the heck do I wear? I don't wanna go in all dressed up and everyone else is in boots and shorts. Hmm.. How about that's what we wear! Ally says. Okay. I reply.

So the girls start to get ready but then Nicole's mom walk in and ask where they are going and Nicole tells her mom about the party. The thing is.. Nicole's mom isn't like anyone else mom. Nicole's mom is a fun mom who will get Nicole whatever she wants. But they have a wealthier family then others. Well hunny, is there anything that you need me to get you for the party? Anything at all? Bee- But Nicole interrupted her mother before she could finish saying her sentence. "MOM! We are 16 we aren't really aloud to drink." she states. I know but when I was your age all the popular wanted to drink. But I guess I have a sweet, perfect, little girl. "Yeah that's me" Nicole responds.

The girls get done getting ready with putting all their makeup on and start to head out the door, but get stopped by Nicole's mother who is handing them a wad of cash. "Why do I need this?" Nicole asks. Well, I thought you would need some extra spending cash so that if you want to go out and eat before or after the party. But also remember, you have to go to your dads this weekend." The girls walked out the door with out even responding, but Nicole knew that was a horrible thing. You see Nicole isn't really close with her dad because he is responsible and actually cares for her and wont let her do whatever the heck she wants. So she doesn't like going there.

The girls get into the yellow mustang and starts to head off, but the girls dont know what they are getting themselves into.. this isn't a regular type of party. I mean it is but, something bad is gonna happen. The girls pull up into the drive way of the huge mansion of the boy Nicole likes.. Nathan. He is a really good football player. The best on the team, he is a 18 year old, bright blue eyes with dimples. He has lush brown hair that he flips and makes a girl melt. A lot of girls like him but he only has feelings for one girl. Her name is London, she is the head cheerleader and they have been dating for 3 months today.

They got out of the car and start walking up the stairs and were about to knock on the door but it opened right as Ally was about to knock. Blasting music came out the door way and it was Nathan who opened the door. He saw Nicole at first and said you came and he smiled. Then London appeared right behind him and said UGH! Why did she come? London stated. I looked at her in with a dirty look and walked straight pass her while Ally followed.

Ally and I headed to the kitchen to find a whole bunch of alcohol on the table and Ally's eyes widened. "Whoa! Are we gonna drink any?" Ally expressed. No! Are you crazy? At these kind of party's people get hurt or something bad happens to them when they get drunk." So Ally and Nicole grabbed a coke and walked out into the living room. They headed to the couch and sat down. They were just talking until Nathan walked up to Nicole and asked her if she wanted to talk. "Uhmm. Your girlfriend will get mad and even hate me more so I am going to pass." Nicole said. "Yeah but that's just the thing, we broke up because she cheated on me and I need someone to talk to."

Ally looked at me and we both gave each other a OMG look. I got up and we walked upstairs to his room. We walked in and it was all country stuff. There was the biggest deer I had ever seen hanging right on the wall. Under it, it had a tag of his name and the year. Nathan Wildrow 2015. It was just last year! He sat down on his huge bed that had camouflage covers and patted the bed showing that he wanted me to sit down right by him. So I did and I sat a little farther from him then I would if I were his girlfriend. "I walked in on her 5 minutes ago, and she and this random guy were making out, and she was doing it in my house! Who does that!?" Nathan said angrily. "Im sorry.. She doesnt deserve you, you are too sweet and really cute. She obviously didnt know what she had until she lost it. And dont worry she will come running back, I would if I were her. I wish I were her. Why do you wish that? Nathan asked. Because she got my crush--- Nicole stopped right there and looked down at her feet.

What were you gonna say? Nathan asked. Nothing, you just have been my crush for like ever, and it seems like every other girl gets you but me. I expressed. You have liked me for a long time? Nathan asks. Heck yeah! I said. Thats different, because I have liked you for like ever. My heart stopped when he said that. My face started to get all tingly and I felt relief for some reason. "Well I guess thats good!" I said. Yeah it is. He replied. We just sat there in silence for a little while until someone opened the door. It was London. What the heck is SHE doing in here with YOU. Remember London? I broke up with you because I caught you and your little thing making out, in my house! Nathan expressed. Baby, I cant expla-. No! Just stop we are finished and never getting back together, ever! Nathan says.

London stomps out of the room all mad and Trey comes in with a confused face (Trey is Nathan’s best friend) what just happened? He asked. She cheated on me and tries to get me back but I am done with all of her crap.  Oh well you seem like you got a better girl on your hands and looked at me and winked. Yeah, I guess I do. I was thinking in my head, he just called me his girl. Does that mean we are a thing?! Does it mean he likes me?! How could someone this hot have feelings for me?! Thats impossible. My head was spinning and I didn't know what to think, I was overwhelmed with joy! He leaned over and kissed me, but I was confused why everything was happening so quickly. So I stopped and leaned back and asked so are we dating now? Because you haven't really asked me and me getting called your girl was quick. Well yeah I guess you are, Nathan explained.

We held hands walking back down the stairs to go back to the party and everyone stopped and looked. Someone stopped the music and asked what we were doing and London look and screamed,” YOU PICKED HER OVER ME!?!!?!?!” Yeah I did actually, Nathan said. She doesn't cheat and we have been like best friends since we were younger. I think we would be better together anyways. London gave me a death stare and I was thinking why the heck would he pick me over her.. And then I thought again, oh wait stupid question. After the party he asked me if I wanted to stay at his house tonight and I said yes. My mom died from cancer 3 years ago and my dad left me when I was 3. So I live with my grandma and she trusts me and knows that I wouldn't do anything. So I told him yes and we headed up to his room. He started kissing my neck but pushed him away and said if thats all you want from me then.. I can't be with you. He told me that he didn't just want that and that he wants us to be together for who we are.. Not for anything else. So we just layed there under the covers talking. He was like my best friend (even tho he could never replace Nicole) I told him about my dad and mom and all of that has happened. But we both dozed off and fell asleep with his arm wrapped around me.

I woke up and it was noon. I got up and heard someone was taking a shower in the bathroom. But then the water turned off and Nathan walked out. Goodmorning beautiful. He said with that gorgeous smile on his face. I dont think I look to beautiful right now! I said. You look beautiful 24/7. Awhh thanks (: So the days passed by and weeks turned to winter and 2 years had passed by and me and Nathan were still together. We were seniors on our last day of school. I woke up and turned around and saw his beautiful smile smiling at me. Are you ready for our last day as seniors hun? He asked. And I replied with, “ I have been dreading this day!

They got to school and parked in the school parking lot. He opened my door for me like usual and we walked in. A lot of our classmates were going crazy and screaming that it was the last day of school. The teachers were looking at all of us like we were fools. I started laughing but then Nicole ran up to me and said PARTY tonight. But I had been keeping in a secret that NOBODY knew and I needed to get it out. Guys, I looked at them with a serious face, I need to tell you something IMPORTANT. Nicole grabbed my hand and said tell me. And then Nathan looked at me and said babe you can tell me anything whatever you need or say will always be important to me. Well.. It may be good news and it may be bad, but…. Im….. diagnosed with a dieses and they dont have a cure. I only have 3 months to live. Right then I bursted out in tears as did Nathan and Nicole. They looked and hugged me and started saying NOO. But guys I want you to know that Nathan, Nicole, and my nana is the most important things in my life. And also, I have to admit one more thing.. I am 3 months pregnant. 

Nathan stood there looking at me and he had a little anger in his eyes but still compassion. ALLY! How could you not tell us? Well I thought you guys would be mad at me and not want to be with me anymore. Babe that could never happen I love you no matter what!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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