Valentine Girl!!!!!!

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~Prod Pov~

were going on tour to chacigo i can,t wait to meet the girl of my dreams if  i see her here. just hope i will meet a girl who beautiful and smart. Let see what will happen now

The Boys was in their hotel rooms getting ready to go to the pool downstairs and then roc and ray came in

Roc: yo are yall ready yet

Prod: yeah were ready let go

they went downstairs to the indoor pool and go in the pool they was playing basketball in the water then the ball got thrown out the water

Prod: i got it

he got out the pool he saw the ball and got then he saw a pretty girl sitting down. she have brown eye and black hair and red highlight in her hair her hair was going down her back it was long and straight.then prod went back to tell the boys

Prod: hey guys guess what

Roc: what

Prod: i found the girl of my dreams

Boys: :-O really

Prod: yeah she over there *points to her*

Ray: way to go bro

Prince: yeah go talk to her

Prod: well i a bit shy'

Ray: come on it easy just try not to say something dumb 

Prod: well ok

he got out the pool dryed off and went over to her

Prod: hi


Prod: my name is craig but they call me prod whats ur name

Kaylee: my name is kaylee but my friends call me kay

Prod:that a hot name 

Kaylee:thanks so what brings u here

Prod: im on tour with the guys

Kaylee: ok cool im here with my friends on summer break with them their at the mall right now

Prod: cool so kaylee i was wondering if u wanna go out to the carnival tonight just me and you

Kaylee: sure sounds romantic 

Prod: cool ill pick u up at 6:30

Kaylee: ok ill be ready 

prod smiled at her then went back to the hotel room and got ready for the date

Prince: woah where u going romeo

Prod: i got a date tonight

Ray: woah with who

Prod: with that girl  met at the pool her name is kaylee

Roc: dude cool u finally got a date

Ray: yeah now u can change ur status on twitter from single to datin

Prince: guys there not dating yet

Prod: right but tonight im going to ask her out tonight

Ray; cool go have fun

Prod: thanks 

he left and went to her room and knocked on the door some girl answered'

Jhonna; hi who are u

Prod: im here for kaylee 

Then kaylee came out her room with a white strapless dress and white babydoll shoes on and her hair was curled and had a bow in her hair with makeup on

Kaylee: im ready let go

Prod: ok let go

they left her hotel room and went to the carnival 

~At The Carnival~

they was playing a game and prod won a teddy bear for her and then he gave it to her

Kaylee: awww thanks he so cute

Prod: no problem 

Kaylee: let go on the ferris wheel it fun come on

she grabbed his arm and they walked over there and got on it after they got off and hung out some more then they drove back to the hotel and he walked her to her room

Kaylee: i had a great time prod thanks for taking me

Prod: me too and your very welcome

Kaylee smiled at him then they both closer to each other and then they kissed she stopped and looked at him

Prod: well um bye 

Kaylee: bye prod

she went inside and then prod walked to his hotel room and the boys was in the living room with walter

Walter: there he is where was u prod

Ray: he had a date tonight

Walter smiled and pat his back hard

Walter: wow didnt know u had it 

Prod: yeah 

Walter: come on tell us what happened

Prod: ok we went on rides i won her a  bear we ate cotten candy and when i took her to her room she kissed me then i came here that it

 Walter: sounds like someone got their first kiss

Prod: yup 

Ray:did she kiss u or you kissed her

Prod: she kissed me

Prince: how it feel bro

Prod: it felt good 

Roc; i bet she looked really hot 

Prod: yeah she was beautiful she was wearing a beautiful dress with long smooth hair all curly so yeah well im going to bed

Everyone: night bro

Prod: night

he went to his room took a shower the he put on his pj,s and went to bed

~To Be Continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2014 ⏰

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