Chapter 3

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I wish I could say that this is the climax of the story, and then move on to the happy, healthy relationship of Cassidy and Owen. But that would be deceiving you and dishonoring Cassidy. So I will forge ahead with this sad account.

Cassidy was nervous, nothing unusual there. But she was particularly on edge as she stood waiting for Owen to arrive. They had agreed to meet that evening at the bus stop near Cassidy's house. It was starting to get dark. Not only that an October chill had settled in, warding away some of the usual joggers and dog walkers. However, Cassidy had remembered a coat and between her fidgeting and pacing, she was quite warm.

In fact Cassidy was wearing one of her few "nice" outfits. Even though it consisted of simple black dress pants and a sweater. It actually fit her and didn't hang off her frame. Plus she kept it hanging up so it was spared the wrinkles and smell of her usual attire.

Soon enough Cassidy spotted Owen heading around the corner and walking towards her. He was grinning and wearing a pea coat that fit snuggly around his muscular form. Tonight he'd ditched his glasses. His clear eyes and rosy cheeks sent Cassidy's knees shaking. Soon enough he stopped about a foot away from her.

"Hi Cassidy, did you have a good afternoon?"

"Yeah, it was nice," she replied meekly.

"So what do you want to do?" Cassidy took a deep breath and tried to work up the courage to say what she wanted to.

"Um...I'm sorry, but I just want to ask.....why do you want to hang out with me?" It was a stupid question, but Cassidy wanted to know why and hear it from his mouth. Owen looked up at a streetlight overhead contemplatively.

"Well... I've noticed you always sit alone, and you don't talk much. When you suddenly ran out of the building today, I was a little surprised. I guess I just wanted to get to know what kind of person you are- hey why are you crying?" He was right. His words meant more to Cassidy than he could've guessed, and without realising it she'd let a tear fall down her cheek.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered, hastily wiping her eyes with her sleeve. Owen stepped forward, closing the gap between them. He took her arm in his hand and used his own sleeve to wipe her wet cheek.

"If you start crying when it's cold out, you'll get sick." He smiled sweetly at her. His minty breath mixed with his sweet cologne, forming an intoxicating scent. His rather pathetic joke made Cassidy laugh a little. Suddenly it seemed like the world was perfect. Cassidy wanted to freeze that moment and keep it locked away. Use it to push all the bad memories out. But suddenly Owen pulled away.

"So do you want to go do something?" Cassidy nodded enthusiastically, and Owen flashed her another smile. "Well you don't like crowds... Why don't we hang at my house. It's outside the city so it's kind of a drive, but it'll be fun. So long as it's okay if we get back a little late. Do you need to tell your parents? Or do you live alone?" Cassidy shook her head.

"I live with my aunt, but I didn't even tell her I was going out."

"Perfect! I parked around the corner, this way." Owen took her hand and together they walked to his car. Owen wasn't kidding when he said it was a drive. From the edge of the city where Cassidy's aunt lived it took about forty minutes to get there. But Cassidy didn't get out much, so she rather enjoyed seeing the buildings turn into crop fields. The best part was that on the way there, she talked. She was indescribably nervous, and had a habit of using "sorry" a bit too much, but she had a conversation with him. Someone she'd idolized as the pinnacle of social aptitude. They'd talked about stupid things, what their favorite ice cream flavor was, the kinds of movies and tv shows they watched, even their favorite season. But in the back of her mind a little voice spoke.

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