Movie time with Liam!

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We sat down and he put in Toy Story. "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!" we both yelled running around the house acting like Buzz.

"you two. are weird ughhh" Lou said in a girl voice. walking into the kitchen followed by Niall.

"says the one who wears high heels" Liam shot back. i laugh

"Liam won!" i blurt out smiling evilly at Lou.

"b-but Tomlinsons always win" he pouted.

"im Liam's sister now" i say proudly.

"your a payne now!" Liam cheers giving me a big bear hug.

"you two are pains in the a**" Lou mumbles as Niall laughs.

"Niall no laughing while your mouth is full!" Liam orders. Niall sighs

"Okay new rules in this house!" i announce.

" are not my sister anymore." Liam give me a look

"LOUIS IS MY BRO!!!" I yelled jumping on Lou's back he catches me.

"yeahh Leeyum!" Lou says sticking out his tongue.

"what side are you on? ours or Louis'?" Izzy asks

"Um...." I look at Izzy then Lou. "LOU BEAR OF COURSE!" i yelled hugging Lou.

"anyone want a cupcake?!" Niall asks smiling.

"hay thats my b-day cupcakes sucka you get no more!" i fake sniff. "gemme some!" I smile as i skip to him and take the cupcake he was about to eat.

"oh, yeah....your birthday is tomorrow...which means your boyfriend is coming!" she squealed

"" i mumble angrily. "he is my guy friend we just hangout alot Izzy"

"yeah right you two almost kissssed" She sang winking at me. i felt my cheeks get hot.

I look at the floor as the floor. the door bell rang. i open it to see Ben guy friend i was talking about. "SKYLY!!" he yelled kissing my cheek. I smile

"hey Benny...." i say awkwardly. he steps inside.

                 *Niall's pov*

i felt jealousy flood through me as that 'Ben' guy kissed her cheek. l really like Skylar but I dont think I have a chance with her with Louis around though. "aren't these guys from the gay boy band?" Ben ask looking at me and the boys

"GET.OUT.NOW" Skylar yelled. Ben puts his hands up. "one of them is my brother. the rest is family to me...and no one AND I MEAN NO.ONE CAN CALL THEM GAY!" she pushed him out and he falls backwards. she slams the door in his face.

she turned around and gave us a cheeky smile we all smile and hug her. "OMG SKYLAR IS THERE GOING TO BE BOYS?!" She ask clapping. Skylar chuckled and rolled her eyes

"only a few" she replied i felt someone pull on my shirt. it was Louis acting like a baby.

"da da" he smiled. "goo goo ga ga"

"O my glob Louis your ripping my shirt!" i screamed. next thing you know is 'rippp'

I blushed. "OMG SKYLAR NIALL IS SHIRTLESS!!!" Izzy fangirled. Skylar chuckled and played along

"OMG HE SHOULD TOTALLY TAKE OFF HIS PANTS!!!" she mimics. they both burst out laughing. as i blushed harder.

"I-Im gunna eat....see ya" i ran into the kitchen they just laughed harder.

"girls" Liam mumbled walking up to me.

"there cray cray" Zayn chuckled. i chuckled also.

"they're idiots" i laughed

"HEY!" they both yelled.

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