The Note

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He had brown eyes and soft brown locks framing his forehead. Pink lips that almost screamed for being kissed. A small smile around them made the picture perfect.

The "something" around my shoulders was his jacket. Now it made sense. But why did he give it to me?

The stranger in front of me begins to show a smile. " You seemed like you need it more than I do. Did you lock yourself out? It happens sometimes" He talked casually to me and I still couldn't bring out a sound. But I managed to nod my head and smile back, sheepishly.

"Yoongi hyung, are you coming?" A boy called from a few doors down the corridor. "I am coming Hobi.", said the boy in front of me without stopping to look at me. He then whispered: "I gotta go. You can keep the jacket! It looks better on you." I wanted to protest but he already started walking away, giving me one last glance over his shoulder before disappearing behind the door.

I was still standing there, perplexed about what just happened. Everything was silent and nothing remembered of the boy being here, only the dark blue jacket wrapped around me.

Shaking myself quickly, I walked over to the elevator, getting the desk clerk to open my room again.

When my door wad opened, I went on my way to the pool, again, but this time I made it. I was just hanging on the edge of it, letting the water surround me. I was thinking about the mysterious stranger and I couldnt get him out of my head. Yoongi. What a beautiful name with also beautiful eyes. Cat like and without hesitation he stared into mine so deep I felt even more naked than I already was. Strange.


Back in my room I took a long shower and then sat on my bed, the jacket in hands.
He was just living down the hall and I can give him back his jacket, can't I?

After trying the third t-shirt, I cursed for not bringing any nice clothes. What am I supposed to wear?

He has seen you already in just a towel I thought. So everything is going to be improvement. Or not.

When I finally decided what to wear, a black yeans with a blue long-sleeve, I took the key and rushed outside. I know when I dont do it right now I wont do it. Ever.

Now I am standing in front of the door, knowing their room, thank god, because his friend called for him from here.
I put the Jacket down in front of it and knocked twice. Then I made a rum for the corner. The door opened and revealed Yoongi.

He had wet hair, I guess he just had a shower. The shirt was hugging his still moist body. I cant complain, I liked the view.

He was looking around,confused, but found the jacket down to his feet quickly. I saw a small smile covering his lips that made my heart stop pumping for a second.

Yoongi bend down for the jacket and saw the little note tucked between the folds. I knew what he was about to read, I tried my best to write in my best handwriting: "Thank you for saving me."

His smile grew bigger and I started to blush.

"What is it out there hyung?" came form inside the room. "My jacket. Do you remember the girl from earlier? She brought it back." He responded and then mumbled to himself: "She is cute." It wasnt loud but I still heard it.
With that he closed the door and left my vision.

I made my way back to my room. He called me cute... was all that I could think of at that moment.


A/N: Have a nice day!!! :)

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