Chapter 12

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Hiii guys how are you? thank you for all the reads! things are starting to get interesting... harry is going to get more strict and possesive so be ready ;) xx

**Austins P.O.V**

"H-Harry, W-Whos Ever listening. Take Lynn Some where Leon will not think of. My men, t-they are on his side. they already have me I-In some basement. I over heard them. there coming for he-" I whisper into the phone being held in my trembling hands as i hear someone enetering the dark room.

"HEY!" luke shouts stomping over to me, snatching the phone out of my hands. "You little shit!"

After multiple hits im thrown up againts the stone wall, my head hitting against it.

"Look at you" Luke snarls smirking.

"I-I thought you w-were my f-frien-Brother?" I stare  back at him, feeling the warm liquid run down my nose.

"You thought wrong. You see, Ive always been on leons side. hell, all of us have" he laughs "And you know what were planing on doing to little lynn?"

"I SWARE IF YOU LAY ONE FINGER ON HER I WI-" I grit through my clenched jaw before getting focefully kneed in the gut.

Luke wraps his hand around my thoat and chokes me againts the wall, leaning in by my ear. "Youll do what?"

"I will kill you if its the last thing I do" i growl watching his face level back with mine.

"Not if I kill you first" he taunts, sliding out a long, hunters knife from his side.

My eyes widen as he points it in my face .

"So. are you going to tell me what your plan is" I ask trying to buy some time.

"Its simple really" he smiles. "Styles and the rest were in on it to"

"Leon told them to take her some where you wont find her. That they can do what e v e r they want with her. Personaly, I would use her as a sex slave. I mean, shes got a banging body.. and oh god that mou-"

The anger rose with each word, are they really going to use her like nothing? i knew harold wanted her before, how he would follow her without her knowing.

"and oh god that mou-" before he could finish i spit right in his face.

He chuckles pulling back taking his shirt and rising it to wipe his face.

"Your going to wish you hadnt done that" he barks. "Anyways long story short, leon is going to get her. Use her for his needs and feed her drugs then kill her like the useless slut she is. But for now they are in New york i am told. But knowing harry he will take her some where he will not think of and protect her" he rolls his eyes.

"Now. Time for you to be taught a lesson" a sinister smile spreads across his face as he brings the knife to my kneck.

"Austin" a voice makes luke stop, looking over his shoulder, saving me for now.

**Harrys P.O.V**

"What now" louis mumbles.

"Leon told us to take her some where in new york. Untill hes ready for her. Hes going to be pissed when we tell him Were not going through with this" I speak, my voice low.

"I knew you wouldnt, We all know you love her" liam smirks raising a eye brow.

"liam" I send him a glare.

"Its true mate, Ye did follow er every move for a year" niall says raising his hands in defense.

"You cheeky stalker" zayn laughs pinching my cheek after taking another drink from his glass.

"Enough" I push him away, running my fingers through my messy hair. "When do we call and tell the boss we have made the descion?"

"And what is the descion?" louis ask.

"Shes mine. He cant have her and will not touch her. I dont care what it takes" I open another beer and begin to drink.

"Tomorrow night?" liam suggest. Every one nods.

"Well its late, im going to go lay down" I say getting up from the chair.

"Night" Every one mutters.

I look out the dark window as I open our door.

I kick off my shoes and toss them to the side, stripping down to my boxers.

Lynns been in here all day. I pull the duvet back and pull her to my chest, inhailing her scent as I nustle my face into her neck.

Kissing her bare shoulder, "are you alright my love?"

"no" she whispers rolling around to face me.  The moon light from the window allows me to just see enough of her beautiful tear stained face.

Such a sweet innocent girl, so many things I want to do to her, I dont know how much longer I will be able to control myself.

Shes My sanity, shes a sweet angel, the only light in my darkend world. stuck with me for enternity. I will never let her go no matter how much she will cry and plea. Shes mine, the devils.

"Tell me whats wrong baby" I brush some hair falling over her eyes away.

"Im s-scared" she cries, I hug her tighter.

"Im here, no one is going to hurt you, i wont let them" I promise rubbing her back gentley. "Go to sleep darling, it will all be over soon"

"W-whats going on?" ignoring me, she ask blinking up at me.

"Dont worry about it now prince-"

"Please, I heard austin o-on the phone. w-what are they going to do to my brother" she sobs harder.

"What?" my hold hardening, She trys to pull away but I force her back into my chest.

"When I went to get a drink earlier, I-I over heard" she tells me.

"You were eaves dropping?" I ask coldly. "Your lucky im to tired to punish you"

"im s-sorry h-harry"

"Shhh i know its ok, we will talk about it in the morning" Closing my eyes I tangle my legs with her smooth ones kissing her forehead.

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