Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

 Well at first I was thinking what the hell does this hospital have me on but then I heard a familiar voice and to tell you the truth it sounded a lot like my Nana but she died like 2 years ago so it wasn’t possible. Then I got my eyes open and adjusted to the light which for some reason was very bright it was my Nana standing there looking at me she said” Welcome to haven.” I blinked like 20 times because I could not believe what I was seeing I was lost in a world that I never in a million years would think that existed. As Nana looked at me with the most caring look I have gotten in a while she said” Arial it’s ok I have you you’re a lot more safer here now you don’t have to feel hurt or fear you get to live your life how you want and not worry about anything besides yourself.” I looked at her and the very first thing I could think of doing was give her a hug” Oh my gosh I have missed you so much my life hasn’t not been the same without you I’m so glad to see you right now but you do know that you will have to answer a lot of questions right.” As I told my Nana about what has been going on since she has died I thought she was going to cry” Arial I’m so sorry you have been going through all of that you are only 17 years old nobody at your age should be doing any of that and sorry to change the subject but Dan is gay for how long.” I looked at her and I just let it out I balled my eyes out but as she held me there so close and so soft I finally felt safe. As I started to die down on the crying I answered her questions just like she answered mine. I said” Yeah I know right I have tried to talk to mom but all she does is just push me farther and farther away and Dan has been gay for at least 1 year he brings home a different guy like every other week and he is making tons of money so honestly I think he is a striper or prostitute but who knows with him and then again I don’t give a fuck really because he was dating my EX boyfriend behind my back and that’s why we broke up today.” She looked at me funny and was like” I still can’t believe your brother is gay he always seemed so interested in girls it’s really weird and I’m sorry for your break up baby girl that must have been horrible.” I gave her a weird look and said” Yeah that’s what all of us thought too but we were totally wrong and it was kinda horrible but I will get over it it’s not that big of a deal because I knew something was going on because they were always texting each other and all of that but I never thought that they were seeing each other I just thought maybe Dan was trying to break us up because he liked him and Austin is the hottest guy in our school and he is a senior and quarterback on the football team so he is friends with everyone basically but he is probably happy that I’m dead now because his little secret won’t get out but it’s all for the better I guess.” As I started to get up felt very light headed so I fell back down on the bed and then I just passed out. When I woke up my Nana wasn’t there so that’s when I was like ok it’s a dream but then she came back in the room with a glass of something that looked like wine but it had a plain flavor when I drunk it so I don’t know what it is.” Hey Nana what is this stuff anyway.” “Oh that is healing water it helps get rid of bruises or scratches or whatever you have on your body you’re not supposed to be there and it also helps your eyes adjust to the lights better.” “Oh ok it looks a lot like wine by the way and poison but I know you wouldn’t poison me so I’m all good.” “Well baby girl we have to get you up and around so you can go meet some people.” As I got up once again I stood there steady and I didn’t fall over this time as I walked to the door the ground felt like clouds but then again it’s Haven so there is clouds.

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