Learn to love: chapter 51

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I was just staring at my blank page when some shitface ripped out my headphones.

"What the he-" Harry grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me Into his lips. at first I resisted. My eyes closed as I got into it he stood me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He put us on the bed and continued. I was straddling him while we made out

I pulled away forgetting my friends were here...

I looked around to find my room empty. I got off and sat back at my desk.

"Baby why r u mad?" Harry asked as he sat ON my desk.

"Fuck off Harry I do t want to see you right now" I growled

"Emily what's the matter?" he asked

"Why the hell were you and Natalie whispering g about and why was she giggling? why she's not your girlfriend" I yelled standing up.

"wtf Emily no that was nothing to worry about love you.... wait your jealous?" he said

"I'm not!!" I said crossing my arms on my chest.

"Yea u are" he argued.

"Harry you'd know if I.... fine I was jealous." I sighed sitting on my bed

"Babe there is nothing to be jealous of ok I chose you not Natalie ur my girl" he replied caressing my cheek I smiled and put my hand on his

"Ok but what were u talking about?" I asked softly

"I can't tell u" Harry said I huffed

"Why the fuck not?" I asked annoyed

"Emily it's a surprise" he said before planting his lips onto mine I gave in and let my hand wonder into his hair.

-February 14-
For Harry's 19th birthday we went clubbing and watched movies.

Today is the dreadful valentines days urgh.
Honestly I don't like this day i mean you don't need a day to show the one u 'love' that u love them.

I am just sitting in class when my teacher said we were going to give out valentines now I was like umm that's like so elementary don't ya think. But apparently it's not.

What ever.

I got quiet a few that said 'be mine', 'your beautiful', 'kiss me', I only gave out a few to my friends. I was soo bored.

Then I heard screams my teacher was smiling like da fuck ur supposed to be a teacher make those stupid girls stop screaming.

Wait screaming girls that means someone is here someone famous unless like they are getting murdered out there?

The classroom door opened.

"Ahh your here she looks bored"y teacher said da fuck I looked up and saw my boyfriend with roses balloons and chocolate. I squealed jumped out of my seat and attacked my boy.

"Ahh Harry what r u doing here?" I asked as I kissed him.

"I came to see my girl it is valentines day babe I wasn't going to NOt get u something your special" he explained I kissed him again and we got 'awwws' from the girls and complains cuz of idk

"Dude she not single" I heard someone groan I chuckled and grabbed the roses from him

"Thank u Harry" I smiled.

"No problem princess" there goes those butterfly's again. Wait no it a t-Rex stomping around in my tummy urgh.

"I i love u" I let out he gasped

"I love you too I thought it was too soon so I didn't say it and then I was scared you weren't ready to say it back and and I was just soo-" I stopped him

"Just kiss me u fool" I teased he nodded then planted his lips on mine again.

"Btw this was the surprise" Harry mumbled I giggled and tugged his bottom lip when we pulled away.

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