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Forever Now

By. Breana H


        The swing rocked back and forth lazily. The golden autumn sun melted across the porch and through the ginormous oak tree in the back yard. My brother Elias sat on the swing across the porch. My baby brother Joel chased a cat off the porch and ran the other under the grill. He then smiled like he had done something wonderful and babbled. My mom stuck her head out the window to see how he was doing and I heard my dad calling. Everyone was there, everything was beautiful. I couldn't remember the last time in my life I been as happy as I was that moment. I exhaled. I was home. The wonderful weather had lightened my mood. The cool breezes seemed to brush any fear and hardships and discontent softly away. All the anxiety I had built up about college and passing exams and driving myself to school every day, they disappeared. All the nagging things that held my soul like a vise, they were gone, if only for a few moments. The sun warmed my skin and made me feel tingly. Everything that made me unhappy seemed to melt away with the sunshine.

      I took deep breaths and watched my brother spray himself in the face on accident with the hose. I rocked back and forth a small smile reaching my lips and my tired eyes blinking slowly, a happy hum in my ears. The world started blinking out as the happy drowsiness started to overtake me. My stomach twisted into knots and I lurched forward. My eyes shooting open and my hand covering my middle. I inhaled sharply. Crushing pain twisted my stomach, the fear made my blood rise, My skin went cold. The world was spinning. Should I listen to myself? Could this be real? The stomach is the second brain. Was it my intuition? How could I die? I wasn't sure what to do, but I knew one thing for sure. If falling asleep meant I would never wake up, I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. 


Hey guys!!! I'm so excited to be posting on Wattpad! Was the prologue intriguing? I Hope to post every Friday. (the day is subject to change later, but right now its friday.) Please leave me comments if you find anything i need to fix. Also please comment becouse i love to hear from wonderful readers and writers!

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