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"Are aliens invading us, or is it an experiment gone horribly wrong?" The reporter said her voice barely audible with sirens sounded from the fire trucks, ambulance and police cars nearby.

"We are currently here in Santa Fe, New Mexico where a bright glowing figure just descended from the sky." A video was shown where a glowing orb was suspended hundreds of feet above, illuminating the whole neighbourhood.

"Minutes after the appearance of the glowing object, it slowly descended to the ground, starting a wildfire in the process, destroying hectares of wildlife." Photos are shown replacing her video feed with photos of the aftermath, showing the destruction caused by the unidentified object.

"In the middle of the wake of destruction lies a man, completely nak-".The television was turned off, at first I thought it was another one of those blackouts that had recently been happening in this section of Glazed. This city used to be famous for its clear, almost glass-like lake. In fact, this city is initially called Glasslake City but people like to shorten it but they still want to keep the meaning, hence the name Glazed.

"And that, class, is the start of what we all know as the 'Cape Age'." Mr Hans said. He is the sort of teacher who tends to befriend his students. He always ends the class early to talk to the 'famous kids' in class and give a lot of group work so you can have time with your so-called 'friends'. He probably thinks that everyone likes him. I wonder how he would react if I was to say that I hate his class.

"The cape Age is the time when ordinary people started to become something more than just people, a time where once ordinary people become something that can defy the laws of physics and exceed the limitations of man. And we call those set of people, Evos."

"Evos are people who evolved given some time and under certain circumstances. Scientists believe that people undergoes mutation mostly in their adolescence stage because it is the time where people start to experience changed in their body and mind."

"It is believed that humans change when under intense pressure, or stress, whether it is mental stress, emotional stress, or even physical stress, or when they are in a fight-or-flight situation. The mutation that will occur will counteract the stress, which solves as the solution to the imminent problem." I'm kind of impressed, not only did the students behave and actually listened but it is by the fact that he really spent some time to get this sort of information, information that only evo enthusiasts know.

"For instance, someone is being bur-... no, not burned but uh... Let's say is trapped inside a burning building. That person is most likely to have mutation that is fire related. He/she may turn out to be immune to fire, or control fire or both." The bell rang, just when things are starting to be interesting. This is the first time that he really let his class finish till the bell rang. It wasn't like him at all.

"Okay then, I'll just give you an assignment. You will need to make your own list about the top ten strongest Evo's based on your opinion. The owner of the best work will receive a reward. Goodbye class."

Everyone stood up and spoke in unison. "Goodbye Mr. Hans." Students started to form loose circles around their group of friends. Unlike everyone else I bolted out of the room since I don't have a lot of friends.

I've never felt like this before. The excitement and anxiety building up . My whole body trembling and shaking. Today I will finally go out in costume. After months of waiting and practicing I will finally go out and show the world who Nick Blood is.

It's time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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