Writen by sam

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I awoke to the buzzing sound of the alarm clock. I groaned and got out of bed, not bothering to turn it off, I had other things on my mind. I got dressed and walked into the kitchen. Shy and Josh were arguing about something stupid, and Nichole was sitting on the couch on her phone with earbuds in, "beautiful as ever" I thought to myself. I plopped myself down at the kitchen table and watched her for a moment, shy and josh must have noticed because they shut up almost instantly. Shy chuckled and josh walked over and patted me on the shoulder, "It takes three seconds dude just do it" he said. Nichole apparently still hadn't noticed any of this. I continued to watch her, her hair, her hands, her mouth, and her eyes, those wonderful eyes. I got up "I'm going for a walk" I announced. And started walking to the door when Nichole shouted "I'll come with." She leapt off the couch and ran into her room to get ready. Shy started chuckling again and josh said "Now's the perfect time." "I know what I'm doing" I replied. Grabbed my jacket and Nichole came out of her room and got her jacket on. I opened the door and she walked through it, I followed her and before I closed the door Josh gave me a thumbs up and shy was in a fit of giggles. I closed the door, jumped down the slide and caught up with Nichole. We walked beside each other in silence for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of the forest. "Hey, look at those two!" Nichole said pointing up at a nearby tree. There were to squirrels running up and down the trunk of the tree chasing each other. I laughed and Nichole giggled. We caught each other's eyes and our laughs subsided instantly. "Screw it" I pulled her in and kissed her. Instantly my entire body was filled with warmth and energy. We pulled away at the same time, gasping for breath. "Sorry, I um uh um..." I was at a loss for words and I could feel my cheeks burning. "It's ok" She said, laughing. She grabbed my hands and kissed me on the cheek, I grinned stupidly and she laughed. "Well um uh, should we head back?" "I guess so" Nichole replied with that wonderful smile. We walked back hand in hand in a kind of wonderful silence. When we caught sight of the tree house I could see Shy in the window she gave us one glance and started laughing hysterically.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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