Chapter 12

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Suave p.o.v

I always knew Jasper was short tempered, like Fallacy, but he hadn't gotten that mad in a while. I didn't know what to do. At first I stopped right outside of the door, wondering what my next actions would be. "What am I doing?..." I whispered to myself. "I'm just a servant, what could I do?..." I quickly shook the thought out of my mind. If anyone could talk some sense into him, it would be me. Even if I couldn't do anything, I had to go after him. I rushed down the hill and through the open fields, my legs carrying me faster than I had ever gone before. Jasper... I came to a stop and hesitated only for a second at the huge forest before racing in. "Jasper!" I called as I ran, deeper and deeper into the darkness's grasp, my heart pounding. "Jasper!" I called again. No response. I finally heard rustling from the distance and picked up speed. "Jasper! Is that you?" I jumped over roots and around trees until I bumped into the figure. It was Eterna. "What are you doing here?" She said in her low voice. I tried to hold back a glare. "I could ask you the same thing." I answered. She huffed. "It's not safe here, there's a vampire in these woods." I flinched as she said this and my eyes widened in horror. "They just ran in that direction." She said, gripping the stake in her hand. No...he couldn't have been seen... I nodded, hoping the sweat I felt trickling down my face wasn't showing. "I see, I should be going then."I turned and walked out of Eterna's sight before rushing in the direction the vampire had gone. "Jasper, please tell me it isn't you..." I whispered as I came to a clearing. There was a vibrating effect in the water. They were just here. I continued deeper as I heard Eterna's footsteps nearby.  When I finally came to a stop I saw Jasper sitting there, hand covering his face and droplets of tears fell tot eh ground in front of him. "Sir Jasper!" I yelled, rushing towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and he started crying into my shirt. "S-Suave I...I'm so sorry..." He managed to saw between tears. I nodded and smiled. "No need Sir Jasper..." His started crying harder as I held him close. "...Did Eterna see you?" I asked quietly. He nodded as he looked up at me, his eyes streaming tears and his face a bright pink. "Y-Yes, it was terrible...she tried t-to stab me with h-her knife, a-and then she chased me...then I ended up her and...I...I'm so sorry!" He yelled into my shirt. I nodded slowly and heard rustling. "Where are you! You demon!" The voice cried. She was here. I felt Jasper jump at those words and stroked his head. "It's okay Sir Jasper. But please, be quiet." He looked at me confused, but nodded. It wasn't safe to run, and Eterna was armed, so the best option was to hide.  I pulled him over to the nearby bushes and we both ducked. The footsteps got closer and the rustling stopped as a figure became clear from the shadows. It was Eterna. She pulled down her fedora as she slowly walked past us. I let out a sigh and helped Jasper up, pulling him int he other direction and out of the forest. When we were in the clearing he smiled and wiped the tears from his face, yet they continued to stream. Soon he gave up and he hugged me. "Thank you for coming after me..." I nodded and pulled him close to me. "Of course Sir Jasper, I couldn't imagine living a day without your presence." His face turned a brighter pink as I wiped some of the tears from his face. "Come, let's get back." I held out my hand and he took it as I escorted him up the hill and to the door of the grand house. "Suave..." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Jasper and he seemed to be fidgeting as I looked to him. "Yes my lord?" He let out a sigh. "Why...Why did you come?" I smiled at him warmly. "Because, you are my lord and I want nothing to change that. You are my top priority."  He smiled weakly. Though I could have sworn there was a hint of sadness in his expression. "Where did you become such a gentleman?" I looked down, smiling, before pushing open the doors to see Fallacy at the steps.

 "Where did you become such a gentleman?" I looked down, smiling, before pushing open the doors to see Fallacy at the steps

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"...I had a great teacher."

Fallacy p.o.v

"Where have you been?" I asked, crossing my arms as I walked down the steps and glared down at Suave. "Did you do something?" He straightened his posture and was about to speak when Jasper interrupted. "It was my fault." I turned to him. "How?" I saw Suave starring from the corner of my eye. "I ran off, I got upset by something and Suave went after me to see if I was okay." By now the maids were watching from the railing. "What caused this?" I saw him glance up at the maids and Fibi bit her lip. "It was nothing important, I over-reacted. I apologize for my absence." I sighed, knowing he was lying, but let it be. "Don't do it again." I said sternly as I walked back upstairs. Something happened out there that he's not telling me...and i'm scared to know what...

Jasper p.o.v

I let out a sigh and saw Fibi slowly walk downstairs. Her head down. "I'm sorry for getting you mad. Thank you for covering for me Sir Jasper." I nodded. "No need, I over-reacted." I knelt down to her and smiled. "I should be the one to apologize." She smiled and hugged me before walking up stairs to join the other maids. "My lord. Are you sure you have no recollection of your past with Sir Fallacy?" I turned to Suave confused, but shook my head. "No, why do you ask?" "No reason, I was just curious on how you met him." He looked away and I stood up. "The far as I can remember I was always with Fallacy, but he had stated that I was in no way related to him, so there must've been more I was missing." Suave nodded and kissed my hand. "I shall take my leave my lord, good night." I nodded and walked up stairs, undressing and changing into my nightgown as I climbed into bed and stared at the window, showing the dark sky and stars, the crescent moon just being seem from my angle. "He really has no idea..." I said quietly as I turned onto my side.

" I said quietly as I turned onto my side

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"How madly in love I am with him..."

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