the Pack

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Blitz smelled all the scents of the pack around him. He sat on his haunches and breathed it all in. Suddenly he heard paw steps rushing on the earth. It startled him how hard they were pounding as if whoever was running was panic stricken. Suddenly the pack got crazy. They were all barking into the woods when coyotepack came out. Coyotepack are enemies. Fangs were flashing and blood was spilling. Blitz flinched. Then the healer looked at him and said "You are the one, you know it. You have the pelt!" Then blitz sleepily woke up. He was inside. His human was calling for him to come. He came and they gave him gentle rubs on the head. They poured his food into the bowl, and when he bit into it, it was dry and crunchy. Whenever he went outside to the back to make dirt, something felt like it was tugging at him from the forest. He had to go into the forest. His pelt shined silver when he stepped into the rays of light. They warmed his pelt. When he got to the forest he let all the scents hit him. Suddenly he remembered his dream and his heart lurched. He heard the scurrying of rabbits in the undergrowth. Suddenly hunger gnawed at his stomach. He crouched and checked to make sure he was downwind when he was in just right position he chased. The rabbit suddenly hear him and ran, but blitz was too fast. He caught the rabbit and bit his spine shaking his head feeling blood spill into his mouth. This was his first kill in the forest and he felt natural at it. He was walking focusing on his pride when the smell of other dogs hit him. Then he felt eyes piercing his pelt. He turned in panic and felt fear filled the pit of his stomach whenever a beautiful white female dog walked into the clearing he could feel the warmth of her heart and see the wiseness and knowledge in her eyes. He felt his instincts pulling him toward her but he knew to refuse. This was the forest these aren't some housedogs you can just waltz up to. He saw the muscles under her pelt they were sticking out. He knew how powerful they were he often heard his friends from the neighborhood talk of them. She looked so powerful. So he stood his ground. His pelt rose and growled he was only a pup but he felt fierce. Amusement glittered in the dog's eyes. He growled harder and he could see her holding back laughter. He felt so angry. She finally spoke. "Hello, why are you on our territory?" blitz was so confused. What did she mean her territory? "I didn't know this belonged to anyone." He growled. She just smiled and said "You don't smell of any of the packs. Have more twolegs come?" what the heck is this girl talking about? Catbrain! Blitz probably looked confused so she quickly explained, "Twolegs are humans, Are you a puppet?" what? "What is a puppet?" he saw her muzzle twitch and she laughed. "Sorry. Puppets are human pets. We call them puppets because they are like human puppets. Pup pets." Blitz filled with rage! I'm no puppet! I could show her! Then he looked up again and saw the power in her legs and her paws. Plus he was just a pup. He just lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry." He could see she was truly sorry. "My name is bluepaw. This is breezepelt." Suddenly a Dark pelted dog came out of the undergrowth, he had brown eyes and his fur was so long it was blowing in the breeze. "My name is blitz." Breezepelts eyes suddenly filled with anger. "You're a puppet! You even ate our rabbit!" bluepaw looked at breezepelt madly. "Don't lose your pelt breezpelt!" Blitz was alarmed he squirmed and pressed his paw into the ground."I don't understand why it's such a big deal!" now Bluepaw looked worried. "We are experiencing famine. We don't have enough food and you hunt for fun we hunt to eat and live." Blitz's pelt tickled with guilt. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see it that way!" Bluepaw looked like she understood. "Since you intruded we are going to have to take you to whitefang." Breezepelt now looked happy. He ran up and grabbed blitz, blitz growled but he only shook him. He said "come! Now!" blitz followed he wouldn't want to get in a fight with this dog!

Chapter 1


Blitz walked into a clearing full of dogs. He felt eyes burning into his pelt. So many dogs, pups, and elders. So many paw prints from generations before. There were three giant trees. They all had big hollows in the middles. They were covered with brambles with thorns in front .there was a giant rock in the front. It had a hollow and the ground of the hollow was covered with moss a giant black dog was sitting on the top, he had white going down his chest and longer fur. He let out a yawn and had snow white fangs, they shined in the light. He could see the sleek muscles under his fur and the powerful neck. He saw long nails and fangs. He guessed that was white fang. "There is whitemoon." Said bluepaw pointing with her tail toward the dog he was studying. "He is out leader. He hasn't spoken to senses yet so he is not whitemoon." Blitz felt confused again. "Leaders always change their name to end in moon before they become leader they get 12 lives." Blitz saw all the dogs eyeing him again. He heard them whispering among themselves. He heard a small brown female whispering "he's a puppet he can't be the one!" Blitz felt rage and confusion at the same time. The one? Puppet! He whipped around to face her. Blood pounding in his ears his hackles raised and he snarled "I will not stand being called a puppet, unless you want to be ripped to shreds!" she was still a pup to but he could see her muscles. But I was born a natural fighter! She laughed "You? HA PUPPET!" With that blitz ran and pounced. He sunk his teeth into her scruff and threw her she scrambled up and snarled. He growled back. They circled each other. She would pounce in and nip him then jump back out. He pounced and landed on her back he sunk his teeth into her back she yelped and squirmed under his weight. He bit her scruff and shook it. She threw him off and his collar got stuck. He pulled it off and it snapped. The dogs gasped. Whitemoon leaped down from the high rock. He bounded over to them, muscles looking stronger with every stride. He called out to the pack, "This is a sign from moon pack. He has the ability to become an apprentice for a, healer or Sharpfang." All the dogs cheered. Whitemoon silenced them with a sweep of his tail, then continued "you will be known as wolfpaw until you earn youre sharpfang name.Youre mentor will be hmmph.. uhmm... blackpelt ." I turned to see a wolflike dog with a all black pelt and yellow eyes. He had a terrible looking claw,mark on his eyelid. I shivered. All of the dogs barked and yipped, except the dogs in the back they scowled. Bluepaw walked up to wolfpaw while he was studying the dogs in the back and yipped cheerfully " wanna go hunting? It will be fun." She gave me one of her puppydog looks and I had to give into those chrystal blue eyes. I gave in. " okay. only if you explain all this pack stuff to me." She barked cheerfully "yep I will." With that we set off. When we were halfway in the woods she said "so, apprenticship is when you train to becom either a sharptotth (dog who fights the battles) or a healer (a dog who takes care of all the dogs and doesn't stand in rivalries). If you train right and are a good sharpfang you can become deputy. (second in command.) The healer talks to moonpack most and connects to them most. Moonpack is our ancestors. They take care of us and you must worship them at all times. Do you know the glowing ball in the sky at night? Well, That represents them and all the stars are out dead loved ones.The moon is senses, he is the first sharpfang that created will see him when we travel to moonflow. There are five packs in the forest wolfpack, swirlpack, coyotepack, foxpack,lightningpack. All dogs must listen to the dog codes it is the guidelines that bind the packs together. It was sent my senses himself. Once you are a sharpfang you can get a apprentice. Every fall-leaf the packs come together and come in peace." Okay that is a lot to remember. He heard rabbits scuffling in the undergrowth and his keen nose picked up the sweet scent. He went in to a crouch and stalked carefully closer to the sweet smell. He got closer and jumped out but the rabbit caught his scent. It tried to scurry away but Wolfpaw changed his jump coordination and matched the rabbits path. He punced on the rabbit and bit down on his spine. When the sweet blood flooded into his mouth he could hardly stop himself from eating it all. He walked out of the bushes and bluepaw had shock in her eyes. Her jaw was wide open. "what?" wolfpaw asked self consciousness flooded into him. "its just that most sharpfangs cant even do that." Proudness crept into his limbs. "well, ive always been a natural at hunting and fighting." Amusment glittered her eyes and her muzzle twitched. " I can see that." She let out a squeak of laughter. I flicked her ear with my tail while turning away. After awhile they caught a lot of prey. The sweet auroma of three rabbits and one bird flooded his mouth and nose. When they walked into the clearing whitemoon was waiting for them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2010 ⏰

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