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Its just past 0300 hours and I cant sleep. Just have too much on my mind. Some people tell me. I dont see why your dating her again. Especially after what she did to you. She's probably gonna do it again. You cant trust her...... Well to be quite honest with you I don't give two horse shits what yall think!

When I look at you I see this amazing girl who loves me for who I am and accepts me perfectly. And I trust you entirely! Nobody could ever take your place within my heart. You mean so much to me! I wish i could put it into words that but isn't possible. Alot of nights I sit here listening to country love songs and thinking about us. I cant wait for the day you and I become one!!!! The day we become husband and wife will forever be the greatest day of my life!!!

I know I'm not perfect. I still have some demons that I need to get rid of. But I'm trying to become a better person. Not for me... No... Not for me... For you! You deserve the world. I'm so glad I came back into your life and got you away from him. I cant understand how someone could drag someone as amazing and perfect as you down that low! Like I said earlier. Let me find out that he tries starting hell and I guarantee he will forever be crippled. I'll break him with my own damn hands!! The only way someone needs to treat you is with love and kindness!

I feel as if I'm alot more worried about you now than I was before due to what happened. When you went into the hospital I was so afraid that I would never be able to see your smiling face ever again. I was so heartbroken. It killed me. I promise you this. I will always love you and do my best to do the best for you! I will always be kind, gentle and loving!

I love you my perfect lil panda!!! Always and forever no matter what and that's forever a promise!!!!

Until next time kitten

- Your Teddy Bear

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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