Skyla, a seventh grade bookworm, was staring at a new book in the library at school. She was jumping up and down with excitement, because, well, there was a new book on the libary shelf. Skyla was slowly reaching for the book, when.......
"SCREEECH" screamed all of the middle schoolers in the library as they ran out the door. The only one who stayed was Skyla who was suddenl yanked out of her book trance.
"Ssssskyla Arethussssssa Melpomene Poole."
(That was Skyla's full name)
Skyla screamed, then..
"I'm sorry books." She told the books apologetically, as she started to throw them at the snake lady Unfortuneately, it didn't really help, all it did was make it mad.
"The goddesssssssssss will be ssssssso happy to ssssee you."
"Who?" Skyla asked, fiddling with the sea themed charm bracelet she had since she was an infant.
"You'lll find out." It hissed while getting closer and closer.
"Oh come on." Skyla groaned.
FanfictionSkyla was just a regular kid, until a monster attacks. When she gets to Camp Half-Blood, weird things happen.