or in which an idol from the asian group cross gene has to suddenly step up to the challenge of becoming a father.
lee seyoung as himself. the korean idol who one day has a baby dropped off at his doorstep, and the mother claims that he's the father.
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melanie aurora lee as jade katherine park. a korean american party girl who visits seoul on spring break, and when she returns home she is found with the surprise that she is pregnant after a one night stand.
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shuya sophia cai as kaya lee park. the little girl who is left with her father after her mother doesn't want to deal with the responsibilities of caring for her child.
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yes, i chose the little girl that plays kris' daughter in "somewhere only we know". i don't know many asian child actresses. so i didn't have much to chose from.
this story will be based off the movie "instructions not included" ("no se aceptan devoluciones" in spanish, or "saranghae maggie" in korean). this is a beautiful movie about fatherhood and family, mixed with mexican humor that i think totally passes all language barriers. but not only is it funny and entertaining, its also very sad. i cried the first time i watched it, and every time after that was well. have your tissues ready because you will cry as well.
eugenio derbez is a comedy genius.
i highly recommend that you all watch this movie, and i also hope that you all like this story.
dedicated to my good friend andy nahagonolja, who also made the wonderful cover for this fic. she makes the best covers, so go check her out and her stories ^.^