Part I

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Author's Note: Based on some one word prompts that I found on the interweb. These are in no way connected, even though some may seem that way.


1. First

The first time Kakashi tells Sakura he loves her, she's still pining after Sasuke. She tells him she doesn't feel the same way, that her heart belongs to another who she knows will be back soon. Will be back for her, even though they both know he hasn't made contact with the village in years.

Yet she still continues to wait for him because the Uchiha is the one she wants.

And it breaks Kakashi's heart.

2. Chocolate

Kakashi sighs as Sakura shoves another piece of chocolate in her mouth, eyes glued to the Television. He doesn't understand her obsession with the sugary treat, and he believes he never will.

He's already considered cutting her off and refusing to let her anywhere near the devil food, but when she turns towards him and flashes him a smile reserved only for him, he decides that he will give her thousands of chocolate bars if she asked him, only if it is to keep that same smile on her face.

3. Stranger (Modern-day AU)

Sakura listens to Ino blabber about her most recent date, the blond talking animatedly, not even bothering to check and see if Sakura's even paying attention anymore (and if Sakura is being honest, she isn't). The pink-haired woman leisurely sips her coffee and lets her gaze trail behind Ino towards the door, hoping that something would come through and save her from Ino's gossip.

Luck was on her side when the door opened and revealed a man who seemed interesting enough (I mean, he has to be with a head full of silver hair). As if he could feel her staring at him, he met her eyes, and she quickly looked away, her face turning red.

When she dared to look back up, the silver-haired stranger was gone, and Sakura couldn't help but feel a tad disappointed.

4. Birthday

Ever since Kakashi was a child, he believed that birthdays were a waste of time. He never understood the concept of celebrating something as trivial as age, as it only counts down the years until he becomes a crotchety old man (that is, if he ever made it to that age).

But when Sakura comes barreling towards him, a brightly wrapped gift in hand and her face adorning the brightest smile (One that could rival Naruto) he's seen, he thinks maybe some things are an exception.

5. Voice

Sakura smiled softly as she leaned against the doorway, watching her silver-haired husband sing quietly to their 7-month-old son. It was around 2 in the morning when the two woke up to the sound of little Sakumo crying in the room down the hall. Before she could get up, Kakashi beat her to it and was already out the door before she could fully sit up.

When Kakashi didn't come back after about eight minutes, Sakura crawled out of bed to check up on the two. The sight before her now was something that would stick with her forever, especially the sound of Kakashi's voice as he slowly but surely put Sakumo to sleep.

6. Return

When Kakashi returns from his mission, he is surprised to see Sakura there waiting for him at the gates. He brushes it off as her being concerned over injuries as he has a record of not going to the hospital straight away. But when she comes back after his next mission, and the one after that, and then the next four, he begins to realize that maybe it is something more.

7. Beautiful

As Kakashi sipped his drink, he caught sight of a flash of familiar pink hair in the corner of his eye. He turned his head slightly when she threw her head back, laughing at something her blond friend, Ino, said to her. The way her face lit up drew his attention, but it was when Sakura opened her eyes did he truly get lost in a trance.

The emerald color sparkled in a way that made his breath catch, and when those same eyes suddenly locked with his, there was only one thing that came to his mind.

She was absolutely beautiful.

8. Underneath

Sakura always imagined that she would see underneath Kakashi's mask when he was both willing and wanting. That he would show her when he was ready. However, it seemed that fate decided otherwise when Kakashi was admitted to the hospital with numerous injuries, the most life-threatening being the gaping hole in his abdomen and the jagged gash on his neck. As she ripped off the tattered remains of his mask from his face, a lump formed in her throat.

This was not how she wanted to find out at all.

9. Gone

When Naruto first informed Kakashi of Sakura's death, he doesn't believe him. Her mission was a simple B-ranked escort, something he knew she could handle easily. She had told him that she would be back, safe and sound.

And yet, here he was, sitting at his desk as Naruto continued to share the details of the very mission that cost Sakura her life. The one that Kakashi had sent her on. He can't bear to listen to any more of the report, so he does the only thing he can.

He flees, leaving behind a stunned yet understanding Naruto, to the memorial where he knows Sakura's name will soon be carved, just like everyone else he has ever failed. But at the moment, the only thing he can think about is the fact that she truly is gone.

And he never got the chance to tell Sakura that he loved her.

10. Punctual

Kakashi's never been a punctual man. Hell, many believe that he doesn't know what being on time means. However, when Sakura is lecturing him and making it clear that he better not be late to their first date, he realizes that some things are worth being on time to.

11. Choose

When Sasuke returns to the village, Sakura had been dating Kakashi for three months. The Uchiha comes up to her and asks her to help him continue his clan line, to be his wife and the mother of his children. Her heart bursts with joy at the proposal, but that is soon overridden by guilt. She is already in a relationship with someone, and here she is, considering to marry another man.

Sakura knows that she has to choose between her current love and her childhood crush. In the end, the latter rules out, and she chooses Sasuke. With a heavy heart, she makes her way towards the Hokage tower.


Note: So, there's going to be a total of 50 word prompts. And I know I should be working on my other stories, I know. I'm sorry (not really).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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