Chapter 11

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Jasmine POV

Everywhere I go there's Zoe Ford missing posters, plastered all over the high school. It kills me that I know and I'm hiding it from her dad and brother and the rest of L.A.

Tons of people left and right apologizing for my loss. Some say she's dead, some say she joined a gang, and some say she wanted this to happen and that she planned this. Man people are messed up in the brain.

"Nothing yet on the missing girl; Zoe Ford. But police will not rest till she is found. Here before us is Chief of police Nate Ford." The anchor women informed holding her mic close to her mouth. She stood in front of the police station with Zoe's dad.

"How do you feel about Jayce Calaway kidnapping your daughter? Are you worried at all?"

"No I'm not because I'm going to find her. And bring her home, safely."

"Anything you would like to say to Jayce Or your daughter if there's any chance they're watching it?" She holds the mic to Nate and he took the mic out of her hand and looked straight into the camera.

"I will find you... so stay strong and don't loose hope. I taught you to be strong... And for the son of a bitch that took her. I'm gonna make sure you life is hell!" I quickly turned the tv off and threw the remote to the couch on the other side of the room.

"Whoa what did the remote do to you?!" Alex said jumping over the couch.

"Shut up!"

"Sorry I even asked?" He holds his hands up in defense. After snapping at him I immediately feel bad.

"Sorry it's just... I'm working through things and it- Its tough."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Yes but no but yes and also no" I trail off causing him to chuckle.

"Well I'll be here minding my own business. Maybe or maybe not waiting for someone to talk." He sits on the couch crossing his legs like a guy usually would.
"Or maybe yes or maybe not or maybe... I don't know."

I rolled my eyes,"You promise not to tell anyone?"

"Promise." He sits up so that two feet was on the ground.

"You swear you won't tell?" I asked again, hey can never be to careful.

"Cross my heart and that kill yourself stuff." He said waving it off.

I raise an eyebrow as the corner of my mouth raises. "You mean cross my heart and hope to die?"

"Same thing."

"Not really no."

"Well whatever what's bothering" he stood to his feet talking a step forward, in front of me.

"I messed up really bad."

"Come on it can't be that bad."

"I kidnapped my best friend... I never told her which gang I was in and I kidnapped her. She's in the basement right now. And because her dad is the chief of police, she and he is all over the news!"

"Wait hold up... did you just say her dad is the chief of police. As in Nate Ford?!" He shouts. I quickly cover his mouth with my hand. His eyes widen at my sudden gesture.

"Is that true?!" Nick raises his voice leaning against the door frame of the kitchen. Shit why is everybody raising their voice.

"Yes but don't-

Before I could finish he stormed off to who knows where. Alex and I followed after him and there stood Jayce by the fridge in the kitchen.

"Zoe is the daughter of the chief of police?! And you didn't bother telling us?!" He yells. "You kidnapped the chief of polices DAUGHTER?!"

"We kidnapped the daughter." He made sure he emphasized the we part.

"Bro so you know how screwed you are?!"

"Do you know how screwed we are?" Once again he emphasized the we.
"Come on I can't take all the credit. It's a group effort, team bonding."

"Nate Ford; sure he puts away Murders, Robbers, even gang members. But gang members that kidnapped his daughter... we're screwed!" Alex butts into the conversation, clearly agreeing with Nick.

"See Alex is embracing the whole group effort thing" I say hoping to lighten up the mood. Instead Alex turns his head to give me a blank face... okay maybe not best time.

"Wait how the hell do you know all this? The only person that would know this is- Jasmine!" Jayce turns his attention towards me. His eyes grew dark as he took a step towards me. But Alex stood in front of me protectively.

"Hey at least she had the guts to tell us! Don't go blaming her that she had to tell the truth. It's bad enough that she had to kidnap her best friend!" Alex defends me but not quite well.

"You two are best friends?!" Jayce yells causing me to jump a bit. "Please enlighten me on anything else know that I should know about."

"That her dad is strong and your screwed. When he's determined there's no way in stopping him... respectfully I say this." I add the last part saving myself from another beating.

Jayce POV

I can't stop thinking about what Jasmine said earlier today. We're they right, are we screwed? Nah we can't we're the Royals, toughest most feared gang in L.A.

What the hell is taking Zoe so long?

I swung open the door to see her near the window, picking the lock. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her out of the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I pinned her against the wall.

"Mowing the lawn... what does it look like I'm doing?! I'm trying to escape, man and your the mastermind?" She rolls her eyes as she shakes her head.

I bring back my arm to punch her, she shut her eyes tight. but just as I was about punch her I was suddenly stopped by someone.

I snapped my head around,"Come on you know better then to punch a girl. Especially the cute and pretty ones." He winks causing her to look away. Was she blushing?

I can't believe he has the balls to come back here! He's unbelievable!

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I hissed at him still having Zoe pinned against the wall.

"Is that anyway to greet your brother like that?" He smirks.

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