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A/n I am changing somethings bc the Alvarez war is too detailed for a story where it's not relevant

Two years had passed and the guild was back together, their hall rebuilt in Magnolia once again. Everyone was happy and united again, lazing around, celebrating, and drinking endlessly. Only one person was missing from the festivities; Lucy.
        Lucy was on the train to Crocus to talk tp Jason one more time and thank him for dragging her out of the house the day she reunited with Natsu. She watched the scenery speed by and fade into a familiar city. Lucy stepped outside, the soft breeze bringing tears to her eyes.
"I guess it's already been so long, huh, Jackal?" Lucy murmured to herself, sniffing up any tears that threatened to fall. She tapped her cheeks and scolded herself for being so blue.
Bittersweet memories poured across Lucy's mind as she walked down familiar paths on the way to Jason's house. She walked up his balcony and knocked on the door, and within seconds Jason answered.
        "Lucy!" He exclaimed, shocked to see her. "What brings you back to Crocus?" Jason asked.
"I just wanted to thank you, if you hadn't dragged me out of the house, I would've never seen Natsu and the guild would still probably be disbanded." Lucy explained, handing Jason a card. He smiled widely and took the card from his former apprentice. She turned to leave, but was stopped by Jason.
        "How about one last story together?" He offered, "We never formally announced you leaving Sorcerer Weekly, so..?"
        "Of course!" Lucy smiled, watching as Jason locked his door and led Lucy to the park.
        "There's supposed to be a group of mega powerful wizards here today, and we are gonna get the freshest scoop!" Jason cheered, hiding in a bush with Lucy right beside him.
They waited for a long time, Jason eventually dozing off. Just as they had given hope, there was a loud scream. Jason shot up, both of them watching closely as a dark clothed man snatched a woman's purse, a gun in his hand.
"If any of you so much as scream again, I'm gonna blow this girl's head off!" He warned in a deep voice, holding his weapon towards a little girl.
         "We have to save them!" Lucy whispered to Jason, who was taking pictures while cowering in fear. Lucy sighed and quietly snuck out of the bush and grabbing the thief's gun.
        "Leave these people alone!" She commanded, the two fighting over the gun. Lucy boldly bit the man's gloved hand.
"Dumb bitch!" The man scowled, gritting his teeth in pain. He shook Lucy off of him and aimed the gun at Lucy. With a simple movement, he pulled the trigger, a bullet shooting out of the gun's barrel. Lucy flinched, her eyes squeezed shut, awaiting her imminent death, but nothing happened. Cautiously, she opened her eyes, what happened? The man hit the gun with the side of his hand, angered by its inability to shoot. He stared into the gun, seeing if anything had clogged it. The weapon exploded in his hands, soot and shrapnel from the metal gun flying into his skin. The thief screamed out, putting his hand to his dirty face as he fled the park.
"I thought I smelled a rat." A voice said, a man in a dark blue hood entering. Lucy's eyes widened.
"Jellal? What are you doing here?" Lucy asked, taking note of Jason's impulsive picture taking occuring from the bush.
"We come to Crocus once a month to vist Ultear's final resting place, and we heard a scream so we came here." Jellal explained.
"We?" Lucy asked, confused to see Jellal alone.
        "Come out, guys." Jellal commanded, two more hooded figures appearing. Lucy immediately recognized Meredy, but couldn't seem to see the other's face.
"Who's that?" Lucy asked, pointing at the third person.
"You two are already acquainted." Jellal replied. Lucy walked towards him, her heart beating desperately, hoping it was who she thought it was. Upon closer inspection, Lucy's heart sunk, it was just Cobra. She sighed sadly.
"I thought you were-" She was cut off.
"Jackal?" He asked, "I can hear your thoughts, you know." Cobra finished.
"Lucy, you know Jackal?" Jellal asked, a puzzled look on his face.
"Yeah, we spent a pretty large amount of time together..." Lucy sighed sadly, remembering the moments she had spent with him.
"So you must be who he talks about all the time." Jellal realized, "He's always going on about how he was dying to see some girl." Lucy's eyes widened.
         "He's not dead..?" She asked, her voice shaking with relief and anticipation.
        "No, I should hope not." Jellal answered, "He should be here soon, actually." He informed Lucy.
"Jellal, there was nothing suspicious in the western Crocus area." A voice reported, his footsteps heavy. Lucy knew this voice, it was Jackal's voice. She turned slowly, facing the demon, who returned her shocked gaze. "Lucy..!" Jackal exclaimed, pulling her into his arms. Lucy felt a great warmth emanating from his embrace as she began to hug him back. She cried into his shoulder, her tears staining his green sweater vest. His hand made its way onto her head, stroking her hair gently.
"Jackal, how could you let me think you were dead?! For two years!" Lucy questioned, pulling back from the hug. "I was so mad at myself, I couldn't even focus on bringing the guild back most of the time!" Lucy cried.
"It hurt me too, trust me," Jackal promised, his eyes glittering with tears too. "I was about to die, but Jellal saved me. He let me join his guild, Crime Sorciere, and I didn't want to stop you from getting your happy life back."
"You idiot! The only happy life for me is with you in it." Lucy scolded.
        "I don't mean to interrupt, Jackal, but we have to go." Jellal said.
        "Come meet me on the roof of our old house at sunset." Jackal whispered into Lucy's ear before leaving with his comrades.
         Once they left, Jason came out of the bush.
        "That was totally coool!" He exclaimed, "This is gonna make a great news article! I already see it: Lucy Heartfilia and the Demon!" Jason shouted, "No, no, we will call it: Taming a Demon's Heart "
        "The story is about me?" Lucy asked, shocked.
        "Of course! Who else would we write about for your last story??" He asked, "Now, leave so I can write the best story ever." Jason said.
"Shouldn't I write it?" Lucy asked the photographer, a puzzled look on her face.
        "No, no, no! We have to make a tribute to you. What kinda friend makes you write your own farewell story??" He answered, leaving Lucy to question his logic as he drove her out of his home.
        Lucy waited for the sun to set, sitting on the roof of her former home. The warm sun caused Lucy to doze off, eventually falling asleep on the shingled roof.
The sun finally set, and Lucy was awaken by Jackal gently shaking her arm.
       "Let's talk." He said, sitting down next to Lucy. She pushed herself up and sat next to him.
       "So..." Lucy trailed off, glancing to the side.
       "I heard about Fairy Tail. I'm happy for you." Jackal said with a smile. "And I'm sorry I let you think I was dead. I just knew that you would be happier with your guild mates." He confessed. Lucy stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
"But, since it's back, will you come with me?" She asked after a moment. This time Jackal was at a loss for words. He shook his head sadly.
"That's what I wanted to talk about." Jackal said, "I want you to be happy and move on, without me. In Crime Sorciere, I can attempt to atone for the sins I have committed, but if I'm with you, I'll only hurt you more." He finished.
"That isn't true! Jackal, I love you." Lucy said, glaring at him, "I'm not gonna lose you again." She demanded.
"You won't lose me. I'll always be around." Jackal promised, "Just not with you all the time." He explained. A communication lacrima in his cloak vibrated, signaling that his time was up. "I have to go." Jackal said, standing up.
"No, don't go!" Lucy begged, latching onto his cloak.
"I'm sorry, I love you." Jackal said, pulling Lucy to her feet. The couple shared a sweet kiss before he was gone. Despite her aching heart, a sensation of relief and happiness swept over Lucy as she watched Jackal leave.
Lucy made her way to Fairy Tail, a smile on her face. She swung open the large wooden doors to find her friends staring at her with a puzzled look.
       "What's wrong with you guys?" She asked, making her way towards them.
"This," Erza said, holding up a copy of Sorcerer's Weekly. Right on the cover was a picture of Lucy and Jackal. Lucy blushed madly, forgetting that Jason had published her story.
"Wanna explain, Lucy?" Natsu asked shoving the magazine in her face. With a short, nervous giggle, Lucy backed out of the guild hall.
How do I get out of this one?

The End?

It's over!!!
Thanks for reading I hope you liked it!
If you want a sequel, just comment
Im actually pretty sad this is over bc i grew attached to this story but I dont want to drag it out ;-;
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I love youuu

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