School starts at 8:30. It takes 5 minutes to get to school. Here's what your typical school morning looks like.
6:45 - *ding ding* alarm goes off
6:46 - you hit the snooze button
6:56 - you hit the snooze button again
7:06 - you hit the snooze button again
7:16 - you hit turn off alarm
7:20 - Ugghh time to get up
7:22 - You manage to get out of bed and down to the kitchen where you pop a waffle in the toaster.
7:25 - *pop* you pull your waffle out and grab some whipped cream (duh you have to have whipped cream)
7:32 - you finished eating and are off to your room
7:42 - it takes you 10 minutes to find something to wear and change
7:44 - You head to the bathroom to do your makeup and brush your teeth
7:45 - Ahhh done with makeup and I'm looking almost flawless but eyeliner isn't on fleek today :(
7:51 - while your packing your backpack your little sister comes with your English homework and is ready to drop it in the toilet. Such a brat you think and you start arguing with her
7:59 - still arguing and you think wait... I forgot my phone. So you ran upstairs
8:02 - you run back down and your sister is running around with your backpack. "Uhhhh just stop"
8:05 - still chasing her you realize of course I forgot to make my lunch
8:08 - still deciding what you are going to make for lunch you forgot that you were too tired to do all of the homework last night and left a little bit for this morning.
8:14 - forget it I will just buy lunch. 5 more math problems to go
8:23 - not realizing how hard and long they were you know that if you don't leave now you will not get to class on time.
8:28 - geez I really need to manage my time better in the morning you think as you bolt across campus. It normally takes 5-6 minutes walking but you can't be late 4 times in a row.
8:29 - panting heavily as you keep running you know that you are only 2 buildings away
8:29:89 - you are up the stairs and you know your only one classroom away
8:30 - the bell is still ringing as you crash into your seat tired and relieved.
Thank god!
Hope you enjoyed this. Believe it or not it was actually really fun writing this. Don't forget to comment if a specific part is totally relatable. ;)

The Typical Life of a Teen
Teen FictionTotally relatable story about teens and their problems with friends, school, parents, etc... Inspired by Ruby Jantzen's "Awkward Moments"